The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, accompanied by the Councilor for Works and Infrastructure and municipal technicians, has held a meeting with the President of the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura, Mario Urrea Mallabrera, today Thursday July 11, at the headquarters of the CHS, to address issues pending resolution in the municipality.
The first of the topics is the urgent cleaning of the dirt in ramblas and Segura River, since the proliferation of canes is a danger in case of torrential rains, so actions will be taken to prevent flooding in areas such as the Huerta de Down and Huerta de Arriba.
In addition, the Mayor and the President of the CHS have also spoken about the project of Defense Works in the Ramblas of Molina de Segura, within the Plan Against the Extraordinary Avenues.
Currently, the main problem that Molina de Segura has is the passage of the Rambla del Chorrico through the urban area.
The studies of solutions are included in the corresponding Project, drafted by the Ministry, for an amount of € 10,870,859.63 (the drafting procedures of the project began in 2003).
"We have the full support of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, which has informed us that, in a short period of time, we will already have the Profit Analysis Analysis Report, for the prioritization of the Projects." The main problem we have is the expiration of the Environmental Impact Statement, which would lose its validity if the project does not start before December 12, 2019, but the CHS is working to maintain its validity that statement. It is very important for the municipality that this project, for the go ahead, "explains Esther Clavero.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura