We are barely separated by 10 days so that the popular calendar will give us the appointment with Ribera de Molina again.
This will be on Saturday 20, on the occasion of his V Legua Huertana Con el Corazón, over a distance of approximately 5km.
in the absolute test, starting at 8:30 p.m.
and having as place of exit and goal the Plaza Mayor, starting then the tests for minors.
This Tuesday took place the act of presentation of the event in the City of Molina de Segura, with the assistance among others of the mayor, Esther Clavero, as well as the Councilor for Sports and Health, Miguel Angel Cantero;
the secretary of the Feast Committee of La Ribera de Molina, Bernabé Gil, as well as the treasurer of said commission, MÂŞ Ángeles Gil.
Open the registration period for the appointment, organized by the Festival Committee of Ribera de Molina together with the Department of Sports of Molina de Segura, with the collaboration of the Athletics Federation of the Region of Murcia, through Reach Your Meta (http://www.alcanzatumeta.es/inscripcionp1.php?id=476099) until Wednesday 17 at 8:00 p.m.
for card payments (TPV), with a cost of € 6 for the absolute race, as well as totally free for the rest of the categories -even for children-, not registering on the day of the race.
The numbers may be collected on the day of the test, from 7:00 pm to 7:45 pm.
in the exit and finish area, reminding you of the obligation to show your ID or identity document.
There will be prizes for the first three classified in the categories established in the absolute test, as well as for the first local runner, both male and female, and the oldest runner and runner.
All participants in the minors' tests, up to the children's category, will have a medal.
Source: FAMU