The magical night of San Juan was again lived in style in Molina de Segura.
This would be the reason for the Second Night of San Juan Popular Race, with start and finish in the Calle Mayor, at the height of the Plaza de España, over a distance of approximately 5km.
in the absolute test.
The fastest to complete the distance would be the athlete of the Tader Roberto Castellón Triathlon Club, 1st Master 35 with a time of 17:29, followed by 1st Senior Outoum Raougui, of the UCAM Athleo Cieza, at 17:40.
3rd in the finish and 2nd M35 finished José Antonio Piñero, stopping the clock at 18:03.
In the feminine section, the victory corresponded to the athlete of the Alcaraz Group Pilar Sánchez, 1st Senior at 22:51, ahead of the 2nd Senior Noemí Rodríguez, of the Grasshopper, finishing at 23:04, as well as of the 1st Master 35 Cristina Martín, from Molina Avesco, at 23:11.
Source: FAMU