The act of presentation of the Project of Domestic Composting of the Biorresiduos, promoted by the Council of Environment of the City council of Molina de Segura, takes place TODAY Thursday, May 30, at 19.30, in the assembly hall of the Integrated Training Center and Agricultural Experiences (CIFEA).
Assist the Councilor for the Environment, Juan Alcaide Quirós.
The Project, framed in the call PIMA-Residuals and PEMAR 2017, co-financed by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Molina de Segura City Council, has the collaboration of the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and Environment of the Region of Murcia, through the CEBAS-CISC, through the Research Group on Enzymology and Bioremediation of Soils and Organic Waste, directed by Dr. Carlos García Izquierdo, and CIFEA.
It is fundamentally about giving a rational, economic and environmentally correct outlet to organic matter.
For this, the City Council begins the implementation in Molina de Segura of the domestic composting system of bio-waste, mainly from food waste produced in homes, both in the preparation and preparation of food and leftovers, along with the vegetable remains of gardening and pruning of private homes.
To develop in various urbanizations and districts, in order to implement an alternative model of management of the organic fraction that generates environmental, economic and social benefits, the Project promotes separation at source of biowaste, the production of high compost quality in situ in homes and their use in the garden of a particular plot.
Likewise, a demonstration experience of community composting will be carried out in a Molina de Segura school so that schoolchildren can learn to make their own compost and apply it in their school garden.
The City Council, free of charge, will proceed to the delivery of domestic composters, aerators, soil thermometers and a manual on composter use and compost application, to all the neighbors participating in the project, and will offer technical advice that will allow them to elaborate their own natural compost and apply it as a quality organic fertilizer in its own benefit on its own land, thus avoiding the use of chemical products in its particular agriculture.
In the development of the Project of Domestic Composting of the Biorresiduos, will take place formative sessions for the scholastics and participants and interested in the composting.
The first session of initial formation and presentation of the Project is the one that takes place today Thursday in the CIFEA of Molina de Segura.
Next, composters and other necessary materials will be distributed and the participants will start composting at their homes.
During the composting process, a visit will be made to advise and collect information about the process and possible incidents.
Through analysis of the compost obtained, through the Research Group of Enzymology and Bioremediation of Soils and Organic Waste of the CEBAS-CSIC, its quality and characteristics will be evaluated and it will allow the preparation of a final report that gathers all the conclusions of the experience and that Evaluate if the intended objectives have been met.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura