The acting Health Minister, Manuel Villegas, visited the 'Health and Solidarity' stands organized by the Hospital de Molina on the occasion of its 19th anniversary.
The objective of this action is to give visibility to the work and activities carried out by the different social organizations with which this entity collaborates, such as the Ambulancia del Deseo Foundation, the Association of Parents and Protectors of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Murcia (Aspapros), the Murcian Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (ISOL), Association for People with Down Syndrome (Assido), Association for the Care of People with Developmental Disorders (Astrade), Docuviva, Feycsa, Solidarity Surgery, Red Cross, Cáritas, Asociación Española Contra the Cancer or Association of Relatives and Persons with Mental Illness of Molina de Segura (Afesmo), among others.
During this week (from May 27 to 31), and under the title 'Committed to you', different recreational and informative activities related to the purpose of helping to incorporate healthy habits into daily life will be developed.
Among them stands out a forum, in collaboration with the Official Association of Journalists of the Region of Murcia, 'Nutrition and media: information or disinformation?', Which includes a round table with media professionals and a show healthy;
as well as an interhospital football match with teams from the Reina Sofía de Murcia, Santa Lucía de Cartagena and the Molina hospitals.
Also, the Medical Studies Foundation of Molina de Segura promotes a conference by José Manuel Rodríguez González, head of the Endocrine Surgery Unit of the University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, researcher of the IMIB and specialist in General Surgery and Gastroenterology of the Surgery Service of the Hospital de Molina.
Source: CARM