The act of signing the Pact for a public policy of international cooperation for development in the municipality of Molina de Segura, promoted by the NGO Coordinator for the Development of the Region of Murcia, took place today, Wednesday, May 22, Plenary Hall of the City Hall.
The President of the Coordination of NGOs for Development - CONGD of the Region of Murcia, Moisés Navarro Sánchez, and the candidates of the political parties who will attend the municipal elections next May 26, and who got representation in the municipal elections of 2015.
After the initial intervention of the President of the Coordinator, the document has been signed by him and the candidates, following the established order according to the electoral results of 2015:
José Ángel Alfonso Hernández, Popular Party.
Esther Clavero Mira, PSOE.
María Dolores García Rodríguez, Citizens.
Mariano Vicente Albadalejo, We can.
Pedro Martinez Ayala, Left Green United.
Moisés Navarro Sánchez, Coordinator of NGOD of the Region of Murcia
The full text of the agreement is as follows:
The present Pact, is a proposal of the NGO Coordinator of the Region of Murcia to the political parties below signatories.
It is a commitment to Global Citizenship, inside and outside our borders, with the aim, among other things, to promote the International Cooperation for Decentralized Development in the municipality of Molina de Segura, in the activities that are developed both in the local territory, and in the international one.
The guiding principles of this commitment are social justice, collaboration and cooperation among people, entities and organizations (public and private), solidarity, progress, accountability, sustainability and resilience.
Considering that 3,400 million people in the world live on less than 5.5 dollars per day (data from the WB for 2015).
Considering that 815 million people suffered from malnutrition in 2016, having grown the figure with respect to the previous year by 4.89%.
Considering that in 2016 only 34% of the primary schools in the least developed countries had electricity and less than 40% had basic facilities to wash their hands.
Considering that around the year 2017 one in three girls between 15 and 19 years has been subjected to female genital mutilation in the 30 countries where this practice is concentrated.
Considering that 30% of the population does not have access to safe drinking water services managed safely, and 60% of it does not have access to sanitation facilities managed in a safe manner.
Whereas in 2016 4.2 million people died due to environmental air pollution.
Considering that more than 570 different flows of trafficking in human beings were identified between 2012 and 2014.
Considering that with data available from 45 countries (43 located in development zones), only 52% of women between 15 and 49 years old, married or with stable unions, make their own informed decisions about sexual relations, the use of contraceptives and health services.
Recognizing the important milestone of the 2030 Agenda for International Development Cooperation, and the need to create a governance and monitoring structure at all levels, endowed with sufficient human resources, in order to comply with it and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Assuming the importance of Decentralized Cooperation as an engine of local development and collaboration between peoples and cultures, given that this type of cooperation is generally more in touch with the priorities of citizens and their direct interests, as well as channeling their concerns and proposals in an environment of state decisions.
Assuming the responsibility to turn our municipality into a meeting place between cultures, contexts, experiences and individuals, and to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
Recognizing the capacity of Public Administrations at the local level to maintain closeness to citizenship, to support projects of Development Cooperation, Awareness, Education for Development in the framework of a Global Citizenship, among others, to promote the processes of democracy in the partner countries that facilitate the participation of citizens in their development policies and strategies; and their distancing from many of the logics of external action, thus being able to be more coherent with sustainable development.
From the undersigned political forces we commit ourselves to:
1. Recognize and assume the policies of international cooperation for development as a municipal public policy aimed at the eradication of poverty, its causes and in all its manifestations and the rush of conscience of the residents of the municipality through projects of International Cooperation for Development, in collaboration with the NGDOs and entities, as well as promoting the development of education campaigns for Development and Global Citizenship.
2. Expand the budget for International Development Cooperation progressively annually in order to reach 0.7% of the consolidated budget of the municipality in the year 2030. The intermediate goal is set at the end of the legislature, in 2023 , at which time 0.35% of the budgets will be destined to International Cooperation for Development.
3. Set up, before 2021, a Municipal Council for International Cooperation, endowed with concrete tools and capacity for action, for the real fulfillment of the function entrusted to it: the follow-up of the development cooperation policies carried out by this institution and the advice, by the NGDOs that compose it, to contribute to a Development Cooperation of quality and consensus.
4. Assume the role that the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals attribute to cities as the main actors of change, since they are the ones that can best identify local problems and needs, as well as the necessary resources and services.
5. Promote the creation of spaces for real and effective participation of civil society, in the design and implementation of cooperation policies and awareness campaigns, as well as generating mechanisms of information transparency and accountability, improving the municipal operating mechanisms.
In the same way, to assume the work in network with the rest of actors dedicated to International Cooperation for the Development present in the municipality, like habitual form of work in this area.
6. Promote and establish ethical public purchasing, fair trade and responsible consumption through a coherent and comprehensive policy program.
In addition to supporting and financing educational actions and awareness about responsible consumption.
7. Promote and promote Education for Development for Global Citizenship, as a tool for international cooperation for development, as well as an awareness and awareness-raising instrument.
In the same way, from the Local Administration, besides the own activities that could be carried out, we commit ourselves to lend support to the NGDOs and other entities dedicated to the international cooperation for the development, that impel this type of actions in the municipality.
8. Promote the inclusion and respect of the human rights of different groups, people and cultures, especially immigrants with a special situation of vulnerability.
And we signed this agreement, in Molina de Segura, on May 22, 2019, with the firm commitment to move its contents in plenary session of the new municipal corporation, and to implement it as soon as possible.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura