The City of Molina de Segura, through the Department of Youth, makes a call for grants for this year 2019, aimed at associations and youth groups to promote programs and projects aimed at the young population of the municipality.
The deadline for submission of projects ends on June 6.
The documentation is available on the website and at the headquarters of the Youth Council.
Applications will be presented in the General Register of the City Council before the aforementioned deadline.
The amount of the subsidy for the different projects is 6,000 euros, as approved on May 14 by the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council.
The bases have been published in the BORM on May 17, 2019.
They will be subsidized:
Activities and programs that promote associationism and youth participation.
Those programs that include the coordination of different youth associations for the realization of the proposed activity.
As well as those that encourage the meeting and relations between youth associations.
The realization of activities that promote the social participation of young people.
Programs promoted by the Federation of Youth Associations of Molina de Segura.
Youth volunteer programs.
Those activities that promote the development of social values, solidarity, equality, and integration, as well as those that reinvigorate the fight against xenophobia, racism and intolerance.
Programs or activities aimed at young people that affect gender equality and / or the prevention of gender violence.
Training, management and operation activities that help youth associations in their maintenance, operation or strengthening, including the maintenance of web and other media for information dissemination of associations.
Programs or activities with social groups of specific young people: students, young people with social problems, ethnic minorities, immigrants, with inclusive needs, etc.
The promotion of alternative activities of leisure and free time with healthy contents, as well as prevention of risks.
Carrying out information and youth counseling activities.
Programs and training and visualization activities aimed at young people that have an impact on gender identity and the fight against LGTBfobia.
The realization of training activities, promotion of culture and creativity, as well as leisure and free time for young people.
The programs and activities carried out in collaboration with the Youth Council of the Molina de Segura City Council.
And, in general, all those activities and projects that are within the scope of action with youth of the Youth Council.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura