The Second Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has informed of the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held on Tuesday 21st of may.
It stands out the approval of the proposal of awarding the Educational Concilia Service in holiday periods of Holy Week, Summer and Christmas, for an amount of 101,640 euros, as well as the approval of the proposed award of courses and workshops of the City of Molina de Segura , for an amount of 103,814.42 euros, for a term of two years.
Three urban planning license files, four subsidiary execution files and three disciplinary proceedings for urban infringement have been approved.
Approval of invoices list, amounting to 338,161.58 euros.
Approval of the taking of knowledge of casualties and discharges sent by the Tax Agency of the Region of Murcia (ATRM) and proposed receipts of discharge by the City of Molina de Segura from December 11, 2018 to April 30, 2019 .
Approval of the return of deposit of the works of endowment of playgrounds and of greater, to the company Alacín, SL, by amount of 6.906,01 euros.
Approval of the bail refund of the public lighting service provision project in Zone 4 (Subzone Huerta), within the 2016 Participatory Budgeting, including special execution conditions of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in a situation of long-term unemployment duration, to the company Mancomur, SL, for an amount of 1,415.94 euros.
Approval of the extension of contract for cleaning and fencing of municipal and private lots, subsidiary execution, awarded to the company Isetec Servicios Integrales, SL, from June 19, 2019 to June 18, 2020. Approved expense of 6,902 , 37 euros for the year 2019 and the consignment commitment in the 2020 budget for the amount of 6,902.37 euros.
Approval of new prices for the construction of new pavilions, Pavilion II and Pavilion III, at the El Romeral Sports Center, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation, corresponding to the 2017 participatory budgets. approves expenditure of 38,786.49 euros.
Approval of the start of the procurement file for the maintenance service of municipal swimming pools of the El Romeral Sports Center, incorporating special environmental and social execution conditions, with an expenditure of 97,999.97 euros.
Approval of the proposal to award the supply and installation of sports furniture in new pavilions, Pavilion II and Pavilion III, at the El Romeral Sports Center, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature, through harmonized regulation, to the company Equidesa Group, SL, for an amount of 203,051.49 euros.
Approval of the proposal for the award of courses and workshops of the Molina de Segura City Council, including special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in unemployment situation, to the company E-Human Tech, SL, for an amount of 103,814.42 euros, for a period of two years, with the possibility of extending it for two more years.
Approval of the proposal for awarding the Concilia Educa Service in holiday periods of Holy Week, Summer and Christmas, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature, Antonio José Fernández Gil, for an amount of 101,640 euros.
Approval of the proposal to award the concert contract on September 14, 2019, within the programming of the Fiestas Patronales 2019, through a procedure negotiated without advertising, to the company Alias ​​Music, SL, for an amount of 30,250 euros.
Approval of the proposal for awarding the concert contract of September 15, 2019, within the programming of the Fiestas Patronales 2019, through a procedure negotiated without publicity, to the company Mago de Oz del Espectáculo, SL, for an amount of 21,780 euros.
Approval of the n ° 5 certification of actions and repairs in roads of different areas of the municipality of Molina de Segura, incorporating special execution conditions, corresponding to the Participatory Budgets 2017, for an amount of 37,543.11 euros, to the company Construcciones Manuel Noguera Gil, SL.
Approval of the n ° 6 certification of the work of conservation, maintenance and improvement of public road (Cuida Molina), in the municipality of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in situation of unemployment, for an amount of 8,279.72 euros, to the awarded company Construcciones Manuel Noguera Gil, SL.
Approval of certification n ° 1 of the works in educational centers 2018, grouped in four lots, A, B, C and D, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in situation of unemployment, for an amount of 13,318.40 euros, to the awarded company Mantenimientos Integrales Gómez, SL.
Approval of the Safety and Health Plan of the improvement works in the supply of water for human consumption in different roads of the district of Los Valientes Viejos, corresponding to the works of the Supply and Sanitation Canon, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature relating to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation.
Approval of the Safety and Health Plan for the remodeling and adaptation of squares and maintenance in children's areas (Parque de la Conserva, Jardín Ntra. Sra. De los Ángeles, Plaza de Almanzor and Plaza Torrealta), and maintenance of roads in different areas areas of the municipal district of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation.
Approval of the donation acceptance made by José Nicolás Jara of several movable assets consisting of butcher's equipment material.
Approval of the donation acceptance made by Luisa María Meseguer Zamora of a piano acquired in the decade of the 20s of the last century.
Approval of formal adhesion to the Professional Circuit of Performing Arts of the Region of Murcia 2020.
Approval of the award of the minor contract of organization services and realization of the XXXVII National Festival of Folklore of Molina de Segura, to Coros y Danzas de Molina, Francisco Salzillo Regional Association, amounting to 12,000 euros.
Approval of the granting of subsidies of the call of subsidies of the Department of Equality to the associations of women of Molina de Segura that develop programs in equality matter, referred to the year 2019.
Approval of the expenditure of 2,500 euros and agreement 2019 nominative grant from the City of Molina de Segura to the Collective No Te Prives of the Region of Murcia for the realization of activities to raise awareness against LGTBfobia and socio-educational activities on gender diversity sexual affection.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for works to improve road safety in consolidated urban land of the hamlet of Los Valientes, to the company Rótulos Marco, SL, amounting to 30,633.85 euros.
Approval of the action plan and grant application for the granting of aid from the Ministry of Development and Infrastructure for the Action Plan to improve the accessibility of Jara Carrillo, Sculptor Gil Riquelme and Santa Teresa streets.
Approval of the award of the minor annual maintenance service contract for the Videoacta Service (Journal of Sessions) and transcription of the Plenary sessions, to the company Ambiser Innovaciones, SL, amounting to 10,043 euros.
Approval of the appointment of director of execution and safety coordinator of the works of adaptation of toilets of the football field 11 and conditioning of the perimeter enclosure of the sports facilities of El Romeral, phase 4.
Approval of the award of the minor service contract for activities of commercial revitalization of the Association of Merchants and Professionals of Molina de Segura (COM-PRO), to Antonio Vidal Campillo, amounting to 6,534 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor works contract in the air conditioning system with individual equipment type cassette for Municipal School of Music and Dance (Municipal Conservatory), the company Plumbing and Climatization Laude, SL, amounting to 45,561.36 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura