The agreements have been signed today, Tuesday, May 21, at the Molinense City Hall, and include a municipal nominal grant of 5,500 euros for the Association of Retired Persons and Intersindical Pensioners, and 2,000 euros for the Ateneo Association of Villa de Molina de Segura.
The signature act of the nominative grant agreements of the Molina de Segura City Council to the Association of Retired Persons and Pensioners-Intersindical, for the realization of the Conference An Education for the XXI Century.
Glances from the Sciences and the Arts, and the Ateneo Villa de Molina de Segura Association, took place today, Tuesday, May 21, in the municipality of Molinense.
The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, the Councilor for Culture, Pedro Jesús Martínez Baños, the President of the Ateneo Villa de Molina de Segura Association, María Concepción Andrés Ortega, and the President of the Association of Retired Persons and Pensioners-Intersindical, José Hernández Escámez.
With the signing of the agreement with the Association of Retired Persons and Pensioners-Intersindical, which provides a municipal subsidy of 5,500 euros, the Molinense City Council is committed to contribute to the promotion of these educational activities and meet a part of the costs arising from the completion of the V Days An Education for the XXI Century.
Looks from the Sciences and the Arts.
Regarding the agreement with the Asociación Ateneo Villa de Molina de Segura, the nominative grant amounts to 2,000 euros, as a contribution to the promotion of cultural activities carried out by said association, such as conferences, concerts and film screenings, in order to promote critical thinking and democratic participation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura