Joaquín Colomé, candidate of PLURAL DEMOCRACY to the Regional Assembly and the city of Molina de Segura, was yesterday visiting the market of Molina de Segura.
He took the opportunity to give a small gift to the vendors of the market stalls in this town and exchange impressions with them on the concerns of the citizen of Molina.
Joaquín Colomé was impressed by the size of this market and the number of people who visit it.
In the city of Molina de Segura, Plural Democracy is committed to the renovation of the facilities of the Visitor Information and Welcome Center of the Las Lagunas de Campotéjar wetland, so that Molina de Segura is one of the pioneering cities in the defense of Sustainable Tourism .
Joaquín Colomé is convinced that many things can be improved in the municipality of Molina de Segura.
That is why he will fight if he is elected from the Regional Assembly or from the Molina de Segura Town Hall.