The Candidate for Plural Democracy by Molina and the Regional Assembly, Joaquín Colomé, has made a campaign stop this afternoon and has escaped to attend the presentation of the book "Secular portraits: David Hume and John Stuart Mill, on the meaning of the religion ", in the Salvador García de Molina de Segura Library.
It has been a fun presentation, says Colomé, from a book published by Joaquín Jareño, professor of Philosophy at the IES Francisco de Goya.
"I could not imagine, even remotely, that Philosophy could be so fun."
From the talk-colloquium, says Joaquín Colomé, I have been left with some quotes that invite you to reflect: "Evil is free, people have the option to choose evil." If there was no evil, neither would the existence human
Other quotes from Professor Jareño that have impacted me, according to Colomé, are an invitation to a deep reflection of our existence as persons;
"We are trapped by death and it is good that we are, there will be a time when we will not be, and also infinitely, we can not pursue eternity, we are chronological beings, nothing makes sense, if I can not die."
And the colophon of the colloquium, in the opinion of Joaquín Colomé, have been these quotes from Professor Jareño: "Religion is a promoter of values ​​and has a public presence that many people wear." God chooses a free world and death and evil They constantly appeal to the religious sense, religion is the discourse that we lack and must be there. "
Thank you for your masterful lesson, Professor Joaquín Jareño, and as you said in your conclusion, "REFLECT ON LIFE IS A PLUS".
Source: Democracia Plural