The Department of Youth of the City of Molina de Segura has made public the list of winners of the XXVIII Literary Contest of Secondary Education 2019, in which students who study Secondary Education (ESO), Basic Vocational Training, Baccalaureate and Middle Grade Training Cycles in the different centers of the municipality.
In the two modalities, Micropoetry and Micro-story, the winners were the following:
First level
1st Prize: D = M / V, by Óscar Palazón Santa Cruz, from IES Vega del Táder
2nd Prize: Life, by Ángela Luján Ros, from IES Vega del Táder
3rd Prize: Soñé, by María Mondéjar Espinosa, from IES Vega del Táder
Special mention for his literary quality in micro fiction: Aimie Valenzuela Sánchez, of IES Vega del Táder.
Second level
1st Prize: Toxic Relations, by Sofía Abellán Pérez, of the IES Francisco de Goya
2nd Prize: The race, by María Isabel López Gomariz, from IES Francisco de Goya
3rd Prize: Amor cortes, by Elena Mondéjar Pérez, from IES Francisco de Goya
Third level
1st Prize: Ego, by Francisco Javier Romero Rabadán, from the French Liceo
2nd Prize: Voice Mail, by Adrián Castellón García, from IES Francisco de Goya
3rd Prize: Prométemelo, by Milagros Pastor Nieto, from IES Vega del Táder
First level
1st Prize: Nana a mi tierra, by Aimie Valenzuela Sánchez, from IES Vega del Táder
2nd Prize: Museums (se) para-dos, by Claudia García Martínez, from the Salzillo School
3rd Prize: El amor, by Noemí Fernández Vidal, from IES Cañada de las Eras
Second level
1st Prize: Conscience, by Diana Osete Velasco, from the San Pablo CEU School
2nd Prize: The modern war, by Juan Manuel Álvarez Buitrago, from the French Liceo
3rd Prize: Dead Sea, by Ana Vigueras López, from Los Olivos Educational Center
Third level
1st Prize: Trino de tinta, by María Abad Ramón, from the San Pablo CEU School
2nd Prize: Promise, by Juan Antonio López López-Muelas, from the French Liceo
3rd Prize: Alquimia, by Miguel Sánchez Mayoral, from the French Liceo
The XXVIII Literary Contest includes the following prizes for each of the two categories of Micropoetry and Micro-story, and for each level:
1st prize: a batch of books worth 250 euros and a diploma.
2nd prize: a batch of books worth 200 euros and a diploma.
3rd prize: a batch of books worth 150 euros and diploma.
The award ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 13, at 7:00 p.m., in the auditorium of the Salvador García Aguilar Library.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura