The presentation of the book The Church of Santa María de Molina de Segura, historian Juan de Dios Hernández Miñano, will take place on Wednesday, May 8, at 8:00 pm, in the Plenary Hall of the City Council, as part of the Spring program of Book 2019 of Molina de Segura, organized by the Department of Culture of the City Council.
Francisco Torres Monreal presents and guitarist Tomás Fernández Gil performs.
Juan de Dios Hernández Miñano, Professor of History, and Doctor of Art History from the University of Extremadura, has focused a large part of his research activity in the Emblem Literature and in highlighting the cultural and artistic heritage of Molina de Segura, her birthplace.
Fruit of this work are his publications: Catalog of religious goldsmiths of Molina de Segura, XVIII to XX centuries (Molina, 1998);
The Golden Legend of San Vicente Martyr and Molina: Origin of the Board and Worship (Molina, 2006);
The Retablos of the Main Chapel of the Church of the Assumption of Molina de Segura (Murcia, 2009);
The Professional Custody of the Church of the Assumption of Molina de Segura: The Magna work of Carlos Zaradatti (Murcia, 2012), Morales Emblems of Sebastián de Covarrubias (University of Murcia, 2015);
The Church of the Assumption of Molina de Segura (Molina, 2015);
The Church of Santa María de Molina de Segura (Molina, 2018).
In addition to numerous articles that, on the aforementioned research activity, have appeared in specialized journals, mainly university.
The Church of Santa María de Molina de Segura is the result of an expensive research work on the disappeared Christian temple of the Castle District.
It existed as such since 1266, the date on which the original small mosque was converted into a Christian church, until the end of the 18th century, when the building sank definitively.
This book aims to publicize an important part of the heritage of Molina, who, in a long time dormant, longed to wake up, and achieve a very special place in the hearts of all Molinenses.
Juan de Dios Hernández Miñano trusts that this book will be the first of a long historiography, able to encourage young Molinans researchers to love their own things, such as the inherited cultural heritage of their elders who, fervently, must respect and deepen their knowledge.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura