The six courses of the International University of the Sea that are taught this year in Molina de Segura have been presented at a press conference today, Friday, May 3, at the Molinense City Hall, by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, the Councilman of Culture, Pedro Jesús Martínez Baños, and the Director of the International University of the Sea and Permanent Headquarters of the University of Murcia, Mercedes Bernabé Pérez.
The Co-Director of the History of Work Course has also attended the presentation: methodological problems and recent research lines, Miguel Pérez de Perceval Verde, the Coordinator of the History of Work course: methodological problems and recent research lines, Ángel Pascual Martínez Soto, el co-director of the X Course in Psychiatry in Everyday Life, Luis Valenciano Martínez, the President of the Foundation of Medical Studies of Molina de Segura (FEM), Aurelio Luna Maldonado, the Secretary of the FEM, Josefina García Lozano, the co-director of the II Course Problems of behavior in minors and adolescents: intervention strategies, Ginesa Torrente Hernández, the co-director of the II Course Problems of behavior in minors and adolescents: intervention strategies, Marta María Aguilar Cárceles, the co-director of the Affective-sexual gender diversity course: perspectives from the educational and social-sanitary field, Ismael Jiménez Ruiz, and the
e of the National Congress Old music and recent approaches.
The story from a gender perspective, María Ángeles Zapata Castillo.
The courses will be taught during the months of June, July, September and October in Molina de Segura, and are the following:
HISTORY OF THE WORK: METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS AND RECENT RESEARCH LINES, co-directed by Miguel Pérez de Perceval Verde, Llorenç Ferrer Alòs and Cristina Borderías Mondéjar.
From June 12 to 14, in the Integrated Center for Training and Agricultural Experiences (CIFEA).
The objective of this course is to provide basic training related to the research of the History of Work, as well as about the methodological problems that are currently facing the work on this subject.
It aims to be a practical course, in which students can discuss and raise the difficulties and doubts that arise when addressing the analysis and study of different topics in this plot of social and economic history.
Duration: 25 hours.
Maximum number of students: 40. Public price: 85 euros (UM and UPCT members: 65 euros).
X COURSE OF PSYCHIATRY IN THE LIFE OF THE DAILY 2019, co-directed by the doctors Luis Valenciano Martínez and Francisco Toledo Romero, and carried out in collaboration with the Medical Studies Foundation of Molina de Segura.
From July 8 to 11, in the assembly hall of the Infant Education College of Paseo Rosales.
In this already traditional and successful course, it is about sharing with the students lectures of the greatest practical interest on aspects of health and mental illness, mind and brain, related to the daily life of all people.
Psychiatrists and psychologists very relevant of the national scene will visit Molina de Segura.
Duration: 30 hours.
Maximum number of students: 100. Public price: 85 euros (UM and UPCT members: 65 euros).
GENDER AND ADDICTIONS, co-directed by the professors María del Carmen Martínez Martínez and Carolina Vázquez Rodríguez.
From September 12 to 14, at the Las Balsas Center.
This course has the following objectives: to provide the professionals working in the field of addictions with the theoretical and practical elements necessary to carry out their intervention taking into account the gender perspective;
promote the implementation of the gender perspective in this field and the development of intervention programs for women;
and apply the principle of intersectionality in the analysis and development of programs.
Duration: 30 hours.
Maximum number of students: 70. Public price: 85 euros (UM and UPCT members: 65 euros).
PROBLEMS OF BEHAVIOR IN MINORS AND ADOLESCENTS: INTERVENTION STRATEGIES, co-directed by Marta María Aguilar Cárceles and Ginesa Torrente Hernández.
From September 18 to 20, at the Las Balsas Center.
The objectives of this course are: to highlight different psychosocial problems in the adolescent population;
analyze those psychosocial problems and their relationship with maladaptive behavior in minors and adolescents;
and to know the main mechanisms of prevention and intervention of adolescent misfit behavior.
Duration: 30 hours.
Maximum number of students: 80. Public price: 85 euros (UM and UPCT members: 65 euros).
From September 23 to 27, at the Las Balsas Center.
The objectives of this course are: to sensitize and make known to the educational and health community LGTBI diversity and variety of family models in today's society;
provide the fundamental principles of an affective-sexual education free of sexist and egalitarian stereotypes;
contribute to the visibility of sexual diversity in all areas, eradicating attitudes based on sexist stereotypes;
know the trans reality to give an educational and health response adjusted to your specific needs;
and encourage spaces for reflection and debate around the themes of this course.
Duration: 25 hours.
Maximum number of students: 80. Public price: 85 euros (UM and UPCT members: 65 euros).
THE HISTORY FROM THE GENDER PERPECTIVE, co-directed by María Ángeles Zapata Castillo and Juan Jesús Yelo Cano.
From October 25 to 27, at the Virginia Martínez Fernández Auditorium.
The general objective of the course is to show a multidisciplinary approach of women in music from Antiquity to the XXI.
The specific objectives are: to offer a general vision about women in Antiquity through Ancient Music;
debate about the canon of women in music from Antiquity to the 21st century;
study the contribution of women in education and musical didactics;
show gender aspects of the theory and history of music;
ponder the cultural history of music and feminism;
and analyze the composition and musical interpretation of women.
Duration: 25 hours.
Maximum number of students: 100. Public price: 85 euros (UM and UPCT members: 65 euros).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura