The Second Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has informed of the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held on Tuesday, the 16th. April.
The approval of the initiation of the contract for the service of the Salvador García Aguilar Library and the Paco El Niño Panochista Reading Center, and the supervision of cultural activities in the Salvador García Aguilar Library, with an expenditure of 262,098.39 euros, is worth mentioning. as the approval of two collaboration agreements, one with the Association of Relatives of Patients with Alzheimer's and Other Dementias (AFAD) and another with the Association of Disabled Persons of Molina de Segura and Vega media (DISMO).
Two segregation license files, one subdivision license file and three disciplinary proceedings for urban infringement have been approved.
Approval of invoices list, amounting to 545,886.13 euros.
Approval of the reimbursement of the special administrative contract for the provision of the Home Help Service, period 2014-2015 of Molina de Segura, to the company Help Domicile of Molina de Segura, SLL, amounting to 50,746.80 euros.
Approval of the agreement to lift the suspension of the processing of the Family Respite Service file at the Molina de Segura Town Hall address, which incorporates special conditions of social execution related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation.
Approval of the allocation of the supply of clothing, accessories and safety equipment for Local Police of Molina de Segura 2018 and 2019 (multi-year), including special conditions of execution of environmental character: lot 1, to the company Insigna Uniformes, SL, by an amount of 83,390.78 euros;
and lot 2, to the company Code Uniformes, SL, for an amount of 9,483.98 euros.
Approval of the start of the contracting file of the management service of municipal exhibition halls of the Molina de Segura Town Hall, including special execution clauses consisting of the hiring of personnel from the Socio-labor Insertion Exchange, with an expenditure of 34,209.12 euros .
Approval of the start of the contract for the service of the Salvador García Aguilar Library and the Paco El Niño Panoramic Reading Center, both belonging to Molina de Segura, and the supervision of cultural activities in the Salvador García Aguilar Library, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature, relating to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation, with an expenditure of 262,098.39 euros.
Approval of the 9th certification of road safety works, improvement of road signs and signage in the municipality of Molina de Segura, for an amount of 49,035.53 euros, to the awarded company Construcciones Urdecón, SA.
Approval of the n ° 5 certification of the refurbishment works and adaptation of squares, parks and gardens and playgrounds in the municipal area of ​​Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in situation of unemployment, for an amount of 106,665.08 euros, to the company Api Movilidad, SA.
Approval of certification n ° 3 of actions and repairs in roads of different zones of the municipality of Molina de Segura, Lot I, incorporating special execution conditions, corresponding to the 2017 Participatory Budgets, for an amount of 18,393.45 euros, to the company Construcciones Manuel Noguera Gil, SL.
Approval of certification n ° 3 of actions and repairs in roads of different zones of the municipality of Molina de Segura, Lot II, incorporating special execution conditions, corresponding to the 2017 Participatory Budgets, for an amount of 81,051.51 euros, to the company Construcciones Manuel Noguera Gil, SL.
Approval of the n ° 3 certification of the work of provision and improvement of infrastructures in various parks and municipal gardens of the municipality of Molina de Segura, Lot III, for an amount of 77,943.31 euros, to the company Nadir Infraestructuras, SL.
Approval of the n ° 5 certification of the work of conservation, maintenance and improvement of public thoroughfare (Cuida Molina), in the municipal area of ​​Molina de Segura, incorporating special measures of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in situation of unemployment, for an amount of 4,064.55 euros, to the awarded company Construcciones Manuel Noguera Gil, SL.
Approval of the n ° 4 certification of the construction works of pavilions II and III in El Romeral Municipal Sports Center in Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in unemployment situation, for an amount of 244,466.75 euros, to the UTE Pavilions Romeral.
Approval of the n ° 6 certification of the extension works of sanitation, potable water and rainwater services in the south zone of the El Romeral Municipal Sports Center in Molina de Segura, incorporating special social execution conditions related to socio-labor insertion people in situation of unemployment, included in the Canon of Supply and Sanitation 2017, for an amount of 38,125.60 euros, to the awarded company Excacivil, SL.
Approval of the certification n ° 3 of the works of adaptation of sport zone and of stay in Barrio San Antonio, incorporating special conditions of execution of social character relative to socio-labor insertion of people in situation of unemployment, for an amount of 52,072.47 euros , to the awarded company Constuarchena, SL.
Approval of the Safety and Health Plan of the works in 2018 teaching centers, grouped into four lots (A, B, C and D), incorporating special conditions of social execution related to socio-occupational insertion of people in unemployment situation, lots A and B.
Approval of the Safety and Health Plan for the remodeling and adaptation of squares and maintenance in children's areas (Parque de la Conserva, Jardín Ntra. Sra. De los Ángeles, Plaza de Almanzor and Plaza Torrealta), and maintenance of roads in different areas areas of the municipal district of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation.
Approval of the Safety and Health Plan of the municipal infrastructure improvement works (actions at the municipal level), financially sustainable investments, Lot I, corresponding to the Participative Budgets 2018, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to social and labor integration of people in unemployment situation.
Approval of the expenditure of 22,000 euros and agreement 2019 between the City of Molina de Segura and the Association of Relatives of Patients with Alzheimer's and Other Dementias (AFAD) for the project Let's activate the mind.
Approval of the expenditure of 27,000 euros and the 2019 agreement between the Molina de Segura City Council and the Disabled Association of Molina de Segura and Vega media (DISMO) for the Comprehensive Development Plan for Persons with Disabilities.
Approval of the admission calendar for new students in the Municipal School of Music for the school year 2019-2020.
Approval of the increase in expense, at 743.57 euros, of the minor contract for repair works at the Tomás Fernández Gil Municipal Auditorium.
Approval of the award of the minor contract of the service for silent film and jazz show, on May 4 and June 21, 2019, to the company Power Sound Profesional, SL, amounting to 8,712 euros.
Approval of the cost of 10,000 euros, bases and call for the XVI Setenil Award 2019 for the Best Story Book Published in Spain.
Approval of the dismissal of four files of claim of patrimonial responsibility.
Approval of the collaboration agreement with the Inheritance of Irrigators.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for a reduced project for the remodeling of toilets and adaptation of accessibility for the non-sedentary market service of the Company's Park, to the company Obras y Diseños Murcianos, SL, amounting to 21,000 euros.
Approval of the awarding of the minor contract for the supply of the flower plant for the reinforcement of the spring campaign in the municipality of Molina de Segura, to the company Villa de Blanca, María del Mar Gardening Center Davo Beltrán, amounting to 10,947.43 euros
Approval of the award of the minor service contract for the organization of the III Fair of the Social and Solidarity Economy of Molina de Segura, to REAS Murcia Red de Alternativa y Solidaria, for an amount of 10,000 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the supply of furniture to the new social center of the Agridulce urbanization, to the company Grupo Disofic, SLU, amounting to 12,364.95 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the basic project and execution drafting service for the expansion and reform of the thermal installation and the low voltage electrical installation in the Municipal School of Music and Dance (Professional Conservatory of Music), David Mármol García, amounting to 7,260 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura