The City of Molina de Segura, through the Department of Social Welfare, and the Vega Media Regional Assembly of the Spanish Red Cross have signed a protocol of action with the coordination of employability programs for people in situations or risk of social exclusion , co-financed by the European Social Fund by 80% and by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia by 20%.
The act of the signature took place today Friday, March 29, in the Press Room of the City Council, with the assistance of the Chief of Service of the Department of Social Welfare, María José Almagro Ortiz, and the technician of the Vega Media Regional Assembly of the Red Cross, María Consuelo Cuadrado.
The objective of this protocol is to maintain the actions that are carried out for the development of socio-labor integration programs and improvement of employability for people in situation or risk of social exclusion and with a low level of employability.
It is carried out through two programs:
SMS: Socio-labor Mediation Service for people in situation or risk of social exclusion.
PULSE EMPLOYMENT, for young people in situation or risk of exclusion.
To be a user of these programs, you must be registered as a participant in the program through the Red Cross technicians and / or the Social Services Center of the La Cerámica Integral Center.
This protocol allows: maintaining a periodical coordination among professionals to assess the evolution of the program and the participants;
and coordinate the training actions that the entity can offer with the needs of the users and the most relevant employment niches in each moment.
The training actions are the following:
Auxiliary processing operations in the food industry.
Operation of warehouse / operator from SMS.
Cleaning of furniture on large surfaces.
Project to assess the conditioning of meat for commercialization, carried out in other occasions.
Training in other basic skills such as food handler, pre-labor HH, and other activities aimed at job training.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura