The contemporary dance show LA NUDUDEZ, by the Daniel Abreu Company (Madrid), will be performed on Saturday, March 30, at 9:00 pm, at the Villa de Molina Theater (at Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The ticket price is 8 euros.
The work has been awarded with the National Dance Prize 2014 in the form of creation, and three Max 2018 Awards, in the categories of best dance show, best choreography and best male dancer.
Nudity is a poetic proposal about knowing how to love oneself.
Two figures on stage, pointing to an idea of ​​polarity and travel from death to love.
Where the music accompanies, the musician, the serious sound of the wind in the metal.
Nudity responds to that place of intimacy, where questions no longer exist.
The beauty in the nakedness of what there is and what happens.
Sometimes the sublime of a hand that touches and exchanges heat and sweat, and sometimes wants badly.
Other the exercise of exercising love and sustaining it.
It is built and destroyed, like the act of breathing.
It is a dance of what enters into each universe and that tries to swallow to vomit something new.
Two people who provoke the impulse to tighten the bonds, but wanting to keep them loose to be able to undo them quickly.
Nudity is an act of death, like the exhalation, take everything out so that something new begins and, at the same time, nakedness is to build with the illusion that this was the ultimate.
The work could be read from back to front, where the trip appears and the sense of a sentimental union.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura