The Municipal Services Brigade Project of the Local Public Employment Program PAC-PLD of the Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF), through which the Molina de Segura City Council has hired 6 young people, started on Monday, March 25 .
This program is aimed at long-term unemployed people included in the joint action program, and funded by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security.
The total cost of the program is 130,077.78 euros, with an amount subsidized by the SEF of 115,000 euros and a municipal contribution of the rest.
During the 9 months of the program, 6 people will be hired: four in maintenance of municipal public buildings, one as a driving officer and one as an electrician's officer.
Through the program of Local Public Employment improves and favors the capacity of employment by subsidizing the hiring of unemployed people for the execution of works and services of general and social interest.
Likewise, it also responds to the promotion of activity in those sectors of the municipality in which new unmet needs are detected, as is happening in the area of ​​the environment and the natural resources of the municipality.
Currently, another Environmental Brigade program is developed during the first semester of 2019, with 6 young people hired, from the Youth Guarantee System, with a total of 12 unemployed people hired by the City Council under Local Public Employment.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura