The spokesperson of the Municipal Group, Sonia Carrillo, has denounced that "the socialist mayor Esther Clavero uses the money from the taxes that all Molinians pay to cover their electoral campaign", as has been proven this weekend during the inauguration of the mural of Pepe Yagües, 'A Flying Cat', located on the side of the façade of the Secondary School 'Vega del Táder' and that has cost more than € 15,000.
Sonia Carrillo has criticized the socialist councilor organizing an act of covert inauguration on the public highway charged to the municipal coffers "which has become an electioneering and propagandist act, ending his speech with the slogan that appears on their billboards.
In Politics, anything goes and electoral acts can not be paid by the people of Molin. "
Likewise, he regretted that Esther Clavero "violates the electoral order" not respecting the laws established by the Board, "despising and breaching articles that clearly include the prohibition of acts organized or financed by public powers that contain allusions to achievements or achievements obtained, from the announcement of the elections and up to the celebration thereof, as well as the use of new information and electronic communication technologies as means of propaganda ".
In this regard, he commented that "it is painful that the highest authority of the municipality does not respect the rules" and that coarte the freedom of citizens manipulating the municipal media for their own personal interests, disseminating and seizing partisan and sectarianly this inauguration organized and financed by the Molina de Segura City Council ".
"You just have to take a look at the dissemination that has been made of the event in the press, to verify that values ​​and even ideological elements have been introduced that have nothing to do with the mere information that is supposed to be allowed during the electoral period to the public powers and which the press has echoed through the communication cabinet of the Consistory itself, "he remarked.
Faced with these serious events, announced that "from the Popular Party we have appealed to the Electoral Board for the partisan use of this act in which the socialist mayor even allowed himself the luxury of concluding his speech using the slogan of his campaign."
Source: PP Molina de Segura