The candidate of Molina de Segura, José Ángel Alfonso, is committed to providing the business fabric with tools to continue their entrepreneurial activity "enhancing their capacity and not diminishing it"
Molina de Segura will host on Saturday the regional Convention 'Towards a great region thanks to employment' as announced by Andrés Torrente, regional coordinator of Economic Development during a press conference in which he was accompanied by the mayoral candidate of Molina de Segura , José Ángel Alfonso.
For the PP "the best social policy is employment because behind each job there is a human being", said Andrés Torrente to add that "a region like Murcia's leader in job creation is a prosperous region that it generates opportunities for all. "
"There is no possible welfare without employment so the key is to continue creating jobs, more jobs and better jobs," said the head of the PP who stressed that "in the Region creates more employment than the average of Spain."
In figures, it has detailed 50 new jobs a day, 18,200 people have found a job in 2018 and we have more than 604,000 employed. "" We have recovered the employment levels of 10 years ago, "he emphasized. unemployment in 2013 stood at 30 percent while today it is below 15 percent ", has detailed
The day will be held at the Portón de la Condesa in La Alcayna starting at 10.30 am and will be framed under two work panels;
the first one titled '+ freedom, + employment' moderated by Sonia Carrillo, elected member of the Executive Committee of the PPRM and who will have as speakers with the president of UCOMUR, Juan Antonio Pedreño, the president of ASECOM, Eloy Jiménez Gambín;
The General Coordinator of ATA Murcia, Francisco Casado, will also take part.
A second panel called '+ Innovation, + Employment' will be moderated by the Economic Development Coordinator of the PPRM, Andrés Torrente and as speakers the director of Bornás Advisory, Damián Bornás, Carmen Campillo, Director of Human Resources of Campillo Palmera, lawyer Luis Alberto Marín and Rosario Ibañéz, co-founder and general director of Metaenlace.
The closure will be the responsibility of the regional president of the Popular Party, Fernando López Miras, who will be preceded by the intervention of the vice president of the National Federation of Autonomous Workers, Celia Ferrero.
The objective of the Convention is to incorporate the ideas contributed by the civil society that participates in the act to the electoral program of the PP
For his part, the candidate for the mayoralty of Molina de Segura, José Ángel Alfonso, has shelled part of the axes of his performance when the mayoralty of the municipality takes place, giving special importance and relevance to the business fabric of which he said "we will endow necessary tools so that they can undertake and multiply their entrepreneurial capacity, empowering it instead of reducing it ".
For this reason, he said "we will modernize the business and commercial environment with five measures:" we will launch an Integral Industrial Polygon Plan to make them attractive, modern, that are at the forefront and that value our business fabric "; industrial so that our companies continue to grow in Molina de Segura and not go to other municipalities, "" we will create a Single Window for the employer to streamline bureaucratic procedures by having specialized personnel in the field, knowing the new legislation, which will help in everything necessary to the entrepreneur and who will become his travel companion ".
Alfonso also detailed that he will create a Strategic Plan for the Promotion and Modernization of the commercial fabric and a Municipal Center for Entrepreneurs, "a multiprofessional space, advised by specialists and that allows different sectors to share the same place where they share ideas, experiences and knowledge. "
Source: PP Región de Murcia