The mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero, accompanied by representatives of the community of irrigators of Campotéjar, has visited the Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura (CHS).
During the meeting, the president of the CHS, Mario Urrea, has been informed of the state of the lagoons of Campotéjar, where the white-headed Malvasia nests, a protected species in danger of extinction.
Thus, during the meeting the possibility of carrying out linked studies to exercise in another way the concession of water coming from the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Campotéjar has been studied, with the purpose that the irrigators of the area make their concessions compatible with the assurance of the good ecological status of this wetland, included in the Ramsar list due to its special importance for biodiversity.
Source: CHS