The Polvorista Right Bank, now La Polvorista Sur
After the approval in the ordinary Government Board of the City of Molina de Segura, last December 27, 2018, of the awarding of 3 primordial actions within the industrial infrastructure of the municipality, on Wednesday, March 6 began the reinforcement works of firm in the industrial areas molinenses.
These are the contracts for refurbishment of the road in the industrial estates of La Serreta, for 22,385 euros, La Polvorista, for 21,522.27 euros, and El Tapiado, for 22,369.27 euros.
In total, a total of 66,276.54 euros will be invested among the three industrial estates, saving for the municipal coffers 8,723.46 euros, which has been the reduction made in the contracts for all of the three actions.
The area on which it will act is 8.438 m², designating the most urgent and important areas of intervention by the municipal technical services.
It is not only going to act in industrial areas, but also in the roads that join them, as is the case of Carretera del Panderón, or of Campotéjar at the height of the City of Transportation.
The replacement of the firm will be made by hot bituminous mix type AC-16 SURF / D in rolling layers, including limestone filler, bitumen and aggregate with CE and DdP marking, proceeding to the preliminary preparation of the surfaces to be executed by cleaning and Removal of loose or detached parts.
First proceed to the scarification of the firm, then the irrigation of asphalt adhesion and then the application of the MBC layer.
Many areas will require milling and pre-sweeping, and the grading of existing log caps, in addition to a regularization of some potholes that have great depth.
The works are framed within the surveillance and improvement of industrial estates that is being carried out by the Municipal Office of Companies, reviewing the industrial areas of the term, controlling their deficiencies and solving their problems.
The successful bidders were Constuarchena, SL, for La Serreta, and González Soto SA, for El Tapiado and La Polvorista.
The existence of multiple potholes, bursts, cracks and holes in the roads of the municipal polygons was one of the biggest concerns of the molinense businessmen.
Before the summer, another municipal item will be allocated to the same problem.
In addition, other actions are foreseen that are already under contract, awarded or executed, within the industrial areas of Molina de Segura, to encourage their updating and their economic and social development.
The illumination of the Carretera de Campotéjar, in the City of Transport, the placement of more than 100 vertical traffic signs, the arrangement and interior lighting of the entrance roundabout to La Estrella, the withdrawal of 36 abandoned vehicles in the polygons, new street lighting of the Peach Street of El Tapiado, or the design of conceptualization and corporate images of the 8 industrial estates of Molino, are other projects that will be seen in the coming months, with municipal investments exceeding 100,000 euros.
In addition, many other actions planned in the Strategic Study and Comprehensive Diagnosis of Needs, Deficiencies and Gaps in the Industrial Areas of the municipal district of Molina de Segura and 230 proposals for solutions, prepared by the new Business Office of the City Council, are under study and elaboration. of Molina de Segura.
Among the new improvements planned are the parking layout at La Estrella, the repainting of more than 200 zebra crossings, the scrub cleaning of the sidewalks of the polygons, the construction of several roundabouts, the doubling of roads, the wrapping of 1,200 meters of sidewalks, the extension of the street cleaning frequency, the gardening and mediating arrangement of the N-301a, the renamed streets and the placement of new plaques, the asphalting of 12,000 m² of roads in polygons, the substitution of fences and handrails, the installation of new street lighting in 7 kilometers of streets, new street signage road signs, in addition to many other and varied actions in electricity infrastructure, signage or paving.
Molina de Segura currently has 6 industrial estates, plus another 2 in execution, and another 2 under study, in addition to 20 isolated business areas, being an industrial power in the southeast of Spain, with 3,286 companies located and 5 million m² of industrial land consolidated.
Therefore, the importance of the industry and services of the municipality is vital, and is strategic, not only economically, but socially and culturally.
Molina de Segura's industries annually invoice an average of 1 million euros, and there is one company located for every 22 inhabitants, one of the largest business concentrations in the country.
This allows Molina de Segura to have the highest per capita income in the Region, with 27,000 gross euros per inhabitant, and a municipal GDP of around 5,000 million euros.
The municipality has the existence of 3,600 entrepreneurs, a workforce of 36,000 workers, or 14 of the one hundred largest companies in Murcia.
Molina de Segura generates 0.16% of all GDP in Spain.
According to the Councilor for Economic Promotion and Strategy, José de Haro González, "the Business Office is an innovative proposal in Molina de Segura whose objective is full employment and the well-being of the neighbors through the creation and improvement of companies of the municipality as the engine of economic development and social improvement Investments in industrial areas are a way to return to the business what is generating for and for our city, while it is giving visibility and image to the economic activity of Molinense " .
According to the Mayor, Esther Clavero Mira, "Molina de Segura is recognized as the Cradle of the Preserve and its legacy has been an industrialized municipality, with presence in all industrial sectors and with companies with international presence, and with a character of innovation constant".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura