The Second Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has informed of the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held on Tuesday 26 February.
Noteworthy is the approval of the start of the contract for the general sanitation collector in the hamlet of Los Valientes, with an expenditure of 203,797.49 euros, as well as the approval of the award of the Home Help Service of the Molina de Segura Town Hall, for an amount of 989,399.84 euros.
There have been approved 6 urban planning files, 1 file of subsidiary execution, 4 disciplinary proceedings for urban infringement, and 1 file of declaration of ruin.
Approval of invoices list, amounting to 284,429.26 euros.
Approval of subsidy concession for pensioners over 65, pensioners for widowhood and long-term unemployed 2018.
Approval of the bimonthly rate for the rendering of the urban solid waste collection service (tax period first bimester 2019), amounting to 876,450.06 euros.
Approval of the extension of the Family Respite Service contract at the Molina de Segura Town Hall, from January 1 to December 31, 2017, which incorporates special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in situation of unemployment, awarded to the company Axial Asistencia, SL.
The extension extends from March 1, 2019 until the final award of the new contract is made.
Approval of the commencement of a penalty procedure and the award of the contract to the next offer of the QS2 management works in El Tapiado for the Municipal Exhibition Center in Molina de Segura, 4th action, street planning, incorporating special conditions of character execution social issues related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation, to the new contractor Nueva Codimasa, SL.
The offer is declared withdrawn by the first offer, JT Obras Públicas y Servicios, SL.
Approval of the start of the contract for the sanitation general collector in the hamlet of Los Valientes, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature relating to the socio-occupational insertion of people in unemployment situation, corresponding to works of Canon of Supply and Sanitation, with a expenditure of 203.797,49 euros.
Approval of the initiation of the contract for the renewal and improvement of the water supply service for human consumption and sewage, in different roads of the San Antonio neighborhood, Phase 1, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation, corresponding to works of Supply and Sanitation Canon, with an expense of 501,876.97 euros.
Approval of the proposal for the award of the corporate computer applications maintenance service (TAO Applications) for the year 2019, including special execution conditions of a social nature, to the T-Systems ITC Iberia, SAU company, for an amount of 75,124.70 euros.
Approval of the award of the local module located in the Business Center of the Hotel de Empresas of the Molina de Segura Town Hall, for the temporary location of companies, to Stampacos Serigrafía, SL, for a monthly amount of 130 euros.
Approval of the award of the local module located in the Business Center of the Hotel de Empresas of the Molina de Segura Town Hall, for the temporary location of companies, to Gregory Frederic Struye, for a monthly amount of 60 euros.
Approval of the award of the Home Help Service of the Molina de Segura City Council, which incorporates special conditions of social execution related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation, reserved for organizations that meet the requirements of the additional provision forty-eight of Law 9/2017, to the company Ayuda a Domicilio de Molina de Segura SLL, for an amount of 989,399.84 euros, for a period of 2 years.
Approval of the award of pedestrian access to the ASTRADE Center, incorporating special social execution conditions related to the social and occupational insertion of people in unemployment situation, to the company JT Obras Públicas y Servicios, SL, for an amount of 87,579.80 euros.
Approval of the award of the services contract of: Lot 1, computer application for the management of electronic files of contracts (Central Register of Contracts);
and Lot 2, computer application for the management of electronic files of subsidies granted (Central Register of Subsidies), framed in the Strategy of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development MOLINA 2020 AVANZA CONTIGO, co-financed by 80% by the European Regional Development Fund ( FEDER), to T-Systems ITC Iberia, SAU, for an amount of 55,222.43 euros, Lot 1, and 54,103.47 euros, Lot 2.
Approval of the award of home delivery service, such as social catering, in Molina de Segura, including ethical and environmental assessment criteria, to the company Nueva Cocina Mediterránea, SLU, for an amount of 89,369.06 euros, plus VAT, for a term of 2 years.
Approval of the n ° 2 certification of the closing works sports facilities Circuit of Motocross, for an amount of 15,631.92 euros, to the awarded company Construcciones Metálicas San José, SL.
Approval of the n ° 3 certification of the refurbishment and adaptation works of squares, parks and gardens and playgrounds in the municipal area of ​​Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in situation of long-term unemployment, for an amount of 120,428.03 euros, to the company Api Movilidad, SA.
Approval of the n ° 5 certification of the works for the provision of sanitation services, drinking water and rainwater, in the Municipal Exhibition Center, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in a situation of long-term unemployment duration, corresponding to the Supply and Sanitation Canon 2018, for an amount of 5,530.11 euros, to the contractor Isetec Servicios Integrales, SL.
Approval of the strategic environmental report of the Special Plan of Urban Planning of the Tertiary Uses Area of ​​the Cañada Morcillo Highway, promoted by the Talleres Luanfra, SL merchant.
Approval of the award of the minor service contract for the management and promotion of training and cultural activities of the Young Artistic Creation Space for the year 2019, to the company Ceroytres Proyectos Culturales, SL, for an amount of 16,445 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the supply of clothing for the Municipal Warehouse of Molina de Segura for the year 2019, to the company Global Protección y Seguridad, SL, amounting to 6,432.24 euros.
Approval of the expenditure of 6,500 euros and agreement 2019 between the City of Molina de Segura and the Fundación Patronato Jesús Abandonado de Murcia, for the care of people in social exclusion or at serious risk of being, attending to basic needs and accompanying in the process of comprehensive recovery.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the rental service of the premises destined for the Elderly Unit, to the José Antonio López Gómoez, for an amount of 15,103.83 euros.
Approval of the awarding of the I Start-Up Contest Molina de Segura 2018, for a total amount of 6,000 euros.
Approval of the appointment of the security coordinator for the façade renovation and damage repair works on the roof of the Social Center of the San José Los Ángeles neighborhood.
Approval of the appointment of the safety coordinator for the construction of toilets in the courtyard of the Social Center of Los Valientes, to give exclusive service to the canteen.
Approval of the appointment of the security coordinator of the works to make the zone of the Local Police Barracks independent in the Municipal Center of La Alcayna.
Approval of the appointment of the safety coordinator of the waterproofing works (roof leaks) of the Press and Protocol offices (2nd floor of the City Council).
Approval of the award of the minor contract for advisory service, external audit and implementation of measures for the adequacy of the Molina de Segura City Council to the current regulations on data protection, to Firma Proyectos y Formación, SL, by amount of 6,655 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor maintenance service contract of Fortigate 600C-2019, to the company Utopiux Ingeniería Informática, SL, amounting to 10,437.18 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor annual software maintenance service contract for the centralization of the common electronic services offered by different public administrations (Agent SC), to the company Ivnosys Soluciones, SL, for an amount of 6,629.89 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura