The City of Molina de Segura, through the Department of Social Welfare, has launched the project of revitalization of the centers for the elderly for the months of February to December 2019, aimed at the largest population of the municipality with the aim of improve the quality of life of the elderly through activities that encourage active aging.
According to the Municipal Register, the number of people over 65 years of age rises to 8,702 in 2018, with more women (4,740) than men (3,962).
In addition, it accounts for 12.3% of the total population of the municipality (70,964) in 2018.
The project was presented at a press conference on Friday, February 15, by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, and the Councilor for Social Welfare, Ángel Navarro García.
According to the Councilor for Social Welfare, "the aging of the population is a real fact, the increase in life expectancy, shortening of working life and early retirement are the main reasons for the growth of the elderly population. As the environment where we grow, live, socialize and relate is a key element during our life, an environment rich in stimuli and possibilities will provide us with a healthy and quality life, before us we have a challenge that is compatible with longevity with personal autonomy and social participation, the safest way to avoid isolating oneself is to be able to link people and everything that happens in the environment, to enjoy relationships with others ".
The group of older people has more difficulties than any other group to access municipal services and facilities, almost always concentrated in the population nucleus.
"It is essential the access of all the population, and especially the elderly, to municipal resources, so it is necessary to bring to their centers those activities that are essential in the development of active aging," explains Angel Navarro.
The budget of the project is 14,850 euros (excluding VAT), from the budget item Elderly Activity, which has a budget allocation of 30,000 euros, according to budgets for 2018. It is managed through the company Jonatan Riquelme Fernández, with the coordination of a social worker and an administrative assistant, of the Senior Unit of the Department of Social Welfare.
The activities take place from February 15 to December 2019.
The aim is to carry out activities mainly in the centers where the elderly groups are located, or in any other municipal dependency, when the activity so requires.
These activities will be specified in Activities, Workshops and / or Sessions, detailed below:
Preparation of a project in each of the centers where the activity is carried out, scheduling them.
The projects will be provided 15 days before the start of the activity and will be distributed in each center.
Performing evaluations, by center, at the beginning, and at the end of the activity.
Realization of 3,500 brochures.
The ACTIVITIES must be publicized in their entirety in each and every one of the centers for the elderly.
The maximum term for the realization and diffusion of the brochures is fifteen days before the activity.
100 posters to publicize the project.
Distribution of advertising, distribution of brochures and posters for the centers of older people, institutions and other groups.
Design and production of 400 T-shirts with the logo of adults.
This must be facilitated by the Department of Social Welfare.
Design and production of 400 caps.
Design and implementation of 100 aprons.
Advertising on social networks.
Laborterapia, sewing and / or embroidery.
Memory workshop
The sessions will consist of Psycho-stimulation workshops given by a clinical psychologist where memory will be worked on.
New technologies.
Basic level.
Theater workshop.
Intergenerational workshops.
Activities of interaction between the elderly and children in schools, as well as between the elderly and other groups.
Traditional games.
Stories and customs.
Preparation of typical sweets.
Small hiking trails.
Workshop of floral arrangements and Christmas decorations.
Music therapy and dance workshop.
Visits to museums and other institutions.
Gerontological PrePilates Workshop.
CHATS in the centers, at their request.
Jubi rooms / leisure.
Once a month there will be a live music and dance performance at the centers for the elderly, from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
Preferably, it will be held on Saturday, alternating the location so that all the elderly, wherever they live, may have the same options to participate in this activity.
Departures / visits.
Concejalía de Artesanía - Participation in craft fairs and traditions.
Concejalía de Festejos - Participation in the Christmas Souk.
Department of Health - Participation in the Health Week.
Department of the Environment - Participation in the workshops.
Department of Mobility - Participation in the Mobility Week.
In Molina de Segura there are currently 18 groups of seniors activity, located in different neighborhoods and districts, with different social contexts.
In this way, the constitution of the Club Map for the Elderly has to do with the opportunities, nature and idiosyncrasy of the different entities.
The different realities can be translated into inequalities between the activity groups of elders or Elder Units.
These must be corrected, working individually with each one of them.
Sacred Heart Senior Center.
The Ribera de Molina.
Association Club de Mayores La Purisima.
The Llano de Molina.
Senior Center Our Lady of Remedies.
The Torrealta.
Virgen de Fátima Senior Center.
Senior Center San Jose Los Angeles.
El Carmen Senior Center.
Association of Social Welfare of the Elderly of the District of San Miguel.
San Antonio Senior Center.
San Roque Senior Center.
Santa Rita Senior Center.
Balsa del Lino.
Sacred Heart Senior Center.
Las Balsas Center.
Senior Center of El Fenazar.
Socio-cultural center of La Alcayna.
Los Conejos Senior Center - Mount Carmel.
The Rabbits 1.
Older of the Neighborhood Association of Altorreal.
Los Valientes Senior Center.
Senior Center Santa Bárbara.
El Rellano Senior Center.
Since the start of the Senior Unit, it has grown as follows:
Five new centers for the elderly have been established.
While in 2016 there were 13 centers, of which 50% had no activity at all, there are currently 18 centers in operation, with two more in the process of being constituted.
The budget allocation for the activities of older people has gone from € 6,000 in 2016 to € 30,000 this year, which represents an increase of € 24,000.
There is a recently acquired space for Altorreal, while another is under construction for Los Conejos.
Renovations are being carried out in the El Fenazar Old Schools, location of the El Fenazar Senior Association.
In all the centers, small improvements have been addressed in terms of physical functionality, as well as in the equipment and its maintenance.
In the short term, there will be a new space for the Senior Unit, which will be shared with the Association of the Elderly for Active and Healthy Aging of Molina de Segura.
The staff of the Senior Unit has been increased, recently incorporating an administrative assistant.
Increase of 50% in resources, both technical and economic, for the elderly in the municipality of Molina de Segura.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura