The Objective Sustainability Project, promoted by the social entity Coglobal, and co-financed by the European Commission (European Funds) and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, was presented at a press conference today, Tuesday, February 12, by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, the General Director of the European Union, External Action and Cooperation of the Region of Murcia, Manuel Pleguezuelo Alonso, the Councilor for Citizen Participation and Cooperation for Development and Solidarity, Pedro Jesús Martínez Baños, the Director of CEIP Nuestra Señora de Fátima, Eliseo García Cantó, and the Coglobal Technician and Project Coordinator at the CEIP Nuestra Señora de Fátima, Carmen Parra Hernández.
In the Region of Murcia, the project is carried out in two educational centers: the EntreTierras Rural Association of Torre Pacheco and the CEIP Nuestra Señora de Fátima in Molina de Segura.
In Molina de Segura the program consists of seven sessions in the educational center, in which 23 students from the 5th year of Primary Education participate.
To these sessions (the first of them took place on Tuesday, February 5), an octave will be added to the City Council, with schoolchildren and municipal representatives.
The program is scheduled to conclude in the first week of May with the development, by the participating students, of an awareness campaign about one of the Sustainable Development Goals with which they have worked.
Objective Sustainability
Objective Sustainability!
(OS!) Is a program that combines strategies for education for development and participatory democracy.
Its objective is to work with children and adolescents (NNA), strengthening its role as agents for a global and solidary citizenship through actions of participation in public policies to publicize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
With a participatory and gender approach, alliances are established between local government, social organizations and children, fosters democratic culture and communicative empowerment.
it brings NNA closer to the global agenda from its vital context and the recognition of its capabilities before the closest institutions, favoring both its individual development and its social empowerment.
This program favors synergies between students, schools, city councils, social organizations and the media, through audiovisual awareness campaigns about the SDGs, designed with and by minors.
Through the OS!
it is hoped to expand the knowledge of children and adolescents about the 2030 Agenda and offer them a role as disseminators of the SDGs in their community.
Through learning and participation, NNA of the OS!
design and execute awareness programs on the SDGs that they have previously chosen, forming part of the strategy for locating the SDGs.
The UN General Assembly adopted in 2015 the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an action plan in favor of people, the planet and prosperity, which also intends to strengthen universal peace and access to justice.
The Agenda proposes 17 objectives, with 169 goals of an integrated and indivisible nature that cover the economic, social and environmental spheres.
Objective Sustainability!
It is aimed at children and adolescents.
School groups between 10-12 years old, as a priority, that constitute the center of the intervention and that through their participation get the connection with the rest of the actors.
The program is also addressed to political representatives and municipal technicians, who participate through the selection of the CEIPs where the intervention is carried out and the collaboration with the groups of children and adolescents for the execution of activities.
There is also the collaboration of teachers, who participate in the election of the groups and the follow-up of the intervention.
Finally, there is also the media, which are incorporated through the commitment to disseminate the awareness campaigns prepared by NNA.
Units of coexistence, AMPAS, AAVV and social environment are the recipients of the awareness campaigns carried out by children and adolescents.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura