The program of activities of the Museum of the Enclave of the Wall (MUDEM) for the months of February to July 2019, promoted by the Department of Culture of the City of Molina de Segura, has been presented at a press conference today, February 8, in the Molinense City Hall, by the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, and the Councilor for Culture, Pedro Jesús Martínez Baños.
The MUDEM welcomes inside the architectural remains of what was the northern wall of Molina de Segura.
According to the Councilor for Culture, "is a museum with a strong didactic and interactive character that aims to bring us closer to the history of the municipality and our cultural heritage and which aims to raise awareness among the population in respect of heritage, heritage that we It makes us what we are. "
The planned actions are divided into two main sections: activities related to the museum's own content;
and promotion actions.
As for the activities of the museum's own contents, they are the following:
MONTHLY DIDACTIC WORKSHOPS: although family workshops are already held in the other museums of the Municipal Network, this year, for the first time, they are launched in the MUDEM, with schools that have visited this course the installation.
The workshops will be at the rate of one a month, except in the month of March, which will take place two.
It is intended that schools and schools deepen the contents of the museum as well as loyalty and dynamize the exhibition space.
ACTIVITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE MUSEUMS 2019: this year the celebration of the International Museum Day 2019 will be concentrated on the weekend of May 17, 18 and 19, when a series of events will be held at the MUDEM headquarters. innovative activities.
Among others, this year will be a novelty the realization of:
A GYMKHANA, in which visitors, after a brief introduction about the museum, will look for hidden messages in the museum's rooms, which will take them through the museum.
The second novelty will be the representation of a play in the museum.
The play is titled El Caballero D. Quijote and La Muralla de Molina.
Don Quixote and Sancho will remember their adventures, as well as one not told before: the one that occurred on the Molina wall.
The third novelty will be what has been called A Night in the Museum, where a group of visitors will spend the night inside the facilities living the experience of being watchmen of it when the museum sleeps.
In the same way, that weekend will increase the opening hours of the museum.
THEATRALIZED VISITS: one more year, and this is the third, there will be a dramatization coinciding with some Saturdays of each month.
A professional actor will teach the museum from a different point of view;
the point of view of the character he represents.
On this occasion, Don Juan Manuel, writer and politician, author of El Conde Lucanor, has chosen a series of moral tales from medieval times.
Don Juan Manuel is a fundamental character for the history of Molina.
He was lord of his castle when he was Adelantado of the Kingdom of Murcia in medieval times.
The theatrical visits will be 12.
Regarding the section of promotion actions of the museum, the following will be carried out:
PUBLIREPORTAJE IN THE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PEOPLE MENUDA OF THE PERIODICO THE TRUTH: this promotional action was already carried out last Christmas but it is wanted to stand out for the importance that it has for the knowledge of the museum.
The aforementioned publication, with more than 22,500 copies, promotes cultural leisure in the family.
For the second year in a row, the MUDEM appeared in this magazine increasing the promotional projection of the museum.
CAMPAIGN OF PROMOTION IN THE NEWSPAPER OF MURCIA: also for this new year, and within the internal promotion of the museum, the presence in the written media will increase so that the museum, which is already beginning to be known, begins to be a reference in the cultural field.
Inserts will be made in La Verdad, at different times of the year, in your GPS Leisure and Trend Guide, which is published in the newspaper on Fridays.
It is also planned an online report and a robapáginas banner for the aforementioned website.
CAMPAIGN OF DISTRIBUTION AND EDITION OF 10,000 PROMOTIONAL PROSPECTS: the edition and distribution of 10,000 promotional brochures of the museum is also planned to make it known outside the local area.
These brochures will be distributed in the main hotels and tourist information points of Murcia.
All these activities are carried out in collaboration with the company ESATUR, which is also responsible for the museum's guide service.
"It is the work of this municipality and the Department of Culture to continue developing activities within the headquarters of our museum to contribute to the knowledge of our and our heritage," concludes Pedro Jesus Martinez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura