On the occasion of the commemoration today, Monday, February 4, World Cancer Day, the Hospital de Molina, in the framework of its ongoing collaboration with the AECC, hosts an information table of the Spanish Association Against Cancer.
Throughout the morning, volunteers from the AECC inform all users of the Hospital Center of the four guidelines so that today, it is "A day to change the rest of your life":
Avoid tobacco and alcohol
Protect yourself from the sun
Take a balanced diet
Perform physical exercise
By changing our habits for healthier ones, we can help prevent the appearance of cancer in our lives.
The Director-Manager of the Hospital de Molina, Pedro Hernández Jiménez, highlights the great work of prevention, diagnosis, cure and research that day after day all healthcare professionals perform to overcome cancer: "Take care of the health of all citizens of the Vega Media and the Region of Murcia is the center of our activity in our Hospital, and, in this sense, we contribute, especially in the preventive area, to win the battle to cancer, definitely ".
In the prevention against cancer, the Diagnostic Imaging Service of the Hospital de Molina performs breast mammograms and ultrasound to the population susceptible to suffering from this pathology, and recommends the performance of tests for the prevention of digestive neoplasms, directed by the Internal Medicine Services and Digestive Endoscopy of the hospital center.
According to the report The figures of cancer in Spain 2019 of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), the tumors most frequently diagnosed in the Spanish population during 2018 were those of lung, breast and colorectum.
And for this year 2019, this same report indicates that, by sex, the most diagnosed will be the prostate and colon and rectum, in men;
and breast and colon and rectum, in women, breast and colon and rectum.
Source: Hospital de Molina