The City of Molina de Segura, through the Department of Parks and Gardens, and charged to the Participatory Budgeting, has carried out the remodeling of the Pipi Can of the Park of the Company.
The facilities have been closed since last summer for the works, which have consisted in the removal of all the existing perimeter enclosure, which was very deteriorated, and its replacement by a framed enclosure of 1.70 m.
height, as well as in the improvement of the irrigation system of the existing trees, execution of perimeter walls as a seat around the trees and the replacement of the pavement, which previously caused problems due to the dust raised by the dogs during their games.
In addition, it has proceeded to the installation of games type of agility for dogs, and has been provided with fountains and canine litter bins, also placing signage of the rules of use and use.
The surface destined to the Pipi Can is of 925 m2, and it comes to solve an old local demand, for the state in which was the previous pipi can.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura