"The municipal government regrets that the unions representing public employees (with the exception of the SIME) of the Molina de Segura Town Hall have not lived up to the circumstances or the needs of the permanent and indefinite non-fixed workers of the City Council. The destructive attitude of CCOO, CSIF and UGT forces public employees to distance themselves from their own unions ", explains the Councilor for Human Resources of the municipality of Molinense, Ángel Navarro García.
After more than 10 negotiation sessions with the unions, the local government had reached many points in common with the union representatives, from which the employees affected by the extraordinary stabilization processes could be benefited in the general bases that would regulate the access to more than 80 positions as municipal officials.
"Once a large framework of agreement has been reached, the majority unions are dismissed at the last meeting, demanding positions of maximums impossible to be addressed by the local government, since neither the law nor the general interests can be violated in favor of other particular interests. "
"The request by some unions for the total exemption from the examination test has surprised the government since, the vast majority of interns or did not test to access the positions they occupy or were examined from a number of topics very inferior to the one required by the laws that regulate access to the public function, "says Navarro.
"The government deeply regrets that the union representatives are dedicated to making non-union policy against the government by raising false and unfulfilled premises that are conditioning the future of interim public employees, to such an extent that many workers have decided under their own signature to demand the government options different from those defended by the unions and closer to those proposed by the Government ".
"The good faith in the negotiation and the best of predispositions towards the agreement promoted by the government have been truncated by political interests of certain trade union leaders who are not afraid to risk the future of the workers with their false and unfulfilled promises."
Finally, Ángel Navarro indicates that, "even so, and in this scenario, the local government will continue to defend the general interest of the citizens as well as the private citizens of the municipal interim so that the principle of equality in access to Public Administration can to be respected always attending to the current situation of the interns ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura