The Official State Gazette published on Tuesday, December 18, the definitive Resolution of the State Secretariat of Budgets and Expenditures for which the Third Call for aid from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is resolved to co-finance the Sustainable Urban Development Strategies and Integrated (EDUSI), which includes the aid of 10 million euros for the strategy presented by the City Council of Molina de Segura Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo on November 28, 2017 (which, with the 2.5 million municipal contribution, amounts to total of 12.5 million euros).
With this publication, the administrative processing of ERDF assistance to finance EDUSI ends, which began thirteen months ago with the request for assistance, which became reality with the provisional announcement in May of this year and which now confirms the definitive Resolution .
The Molinense City Council will have until February 18, 2019 to prepare the Procedures Manual and sign the Commitment Agreement to assume the management functions of the European Regional Development Fund, a new challenge for municipal services.
The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, indicates that, "after a long wait, a year of processing, attendance at preparatory work sessions and training, now it is necessary to implement and realize the projects of this Strategy, which will change our city, creating jobs, improving the services provided by the City Council, with new infrastructures and equipment and opening the way to a more sustainable city ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura