The Second Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of the Municipality of Molina de Segura, Ángel Navarro García, has informed of the agreements adopted in the two meetings of the Local Government Board, one of an ordinary nature and another public session. extraordinary, held today Tuesday, December 18.
In the public session, a credit recognition file, list of invoices and list of obligations and payment orders was approved, for an amount of 148,581.28 euros.
And in the ordinary session, it stands out the approval of the start of the recruitment file of the service of promotion of cultural and leisure activities in the social centers of the municipality of Molina de Segura, as well as the award of the minor contract of technical assistance service for the realization of a study on the operation of the Local Police of Molina de Segura and the implantation of the Neighborhood Police in the locality.
Five urban planning license files, two segregation license files and two disciplinary proceedings for urban infringement have been approved.
Approval of the award of the 10 cm digital photogrammetric flight service minor contract.
in the municipality of Molina de Segura, to the company Spasa, SL, for an amount of 15,000 euros.
Approval of the acceptance of land transfer and final approval of the Urbanization Project (civil works and electrification) of the Single Action Unit of the Residential Partial Plan ZR3-M6 of the PGMO, promoted by the Compensation Board of Sector ZR3-M6.
Approval of invoices list, for an amount of 769,306.93 euros.
Approval of the SERCOMOSA bill list, for an amount of 625,640.67 euros.
Approval of fiscal calendar 2019, periodic expiration taxes and collective notification.
Approval of the acknowledgment of the withdrawals of receipts from the Tax Agency of the Region of Murcia, amounting to 3,702,312.44 euros, and the Molina de Segura Town Council, for an amount of 468,971.20 euros, from May to November 2018.
Approval of the list of modifications, withdrawals, discharges and returns of garbage receipts from the Inspection Unit of the sixth bimester of 2018.
Approval of the start of the procurement file for the supply of clothing, accessories and security equipment for Local Police of Molina de Segura 2018 and 2019 (multi-year), including special environmental execution conditions, with an expenditure of 82,640 euros.
It is approved to commit to consign in the 2019 budget the amount of 12,395 euros.
Approval of the start of the hiring process of the technical assistance service and execution of the Educational Spaces Integration Program, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of young people under unemployment under 35 years of age.
Approval of the start of the procurement file for the supply of five vehicles for the provision of public services, incorporating special conditions of environmental enforcement and others, with an expenditure of 95,589.41 euros.
Approval of the start of the hiring process of the consulting service for the implementation of eDICTA (computer application for the management of resolutions and agreements of the governing bodies) and the MOBILE eDICTA license, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature, with an expenditure of 17,957.85 euros.
Approval of the commencement of the recruitment file of the service for the promotion of cultural and leisure activities in the social centers of the municipality of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-occupational insertion of people in situation of unemployment and / or persons belonging to disadvantaged groups, with an expenditure of 60,000 euros.
Approval of the extension of the term of execution of the provision and improvement of infrastructures, in various parks and municipal gardens of the municipality of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in a situation of long-term unemployment duration, corresponding to the Participatory Budgets 2017. The new expected date of completion of the contract is January 17, 2019.
Approval of the agreement by which the third point of the agreement adopted at the Local Government Board of December 11, 2018 on the start of the contract file of the drafting of the works and installations project, as well as the address of rehabilitation work of the Social Center building of La Torrealta (old Schools) and the execution of said rehabilitation works, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature.
Approval of the agreement by which the third point of the agreement adopted at the Local Government Board dated December 11, 2018 on the start of the contracting file of the municipal infrastructure improvement works (actions at the municipal level) is canceled. , financially sustainable investments, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in situation of unemployment, with charge to the Participative Budgets 2018.
Approval of the n ° 4 certification of the infrastructure provision and improvement work, in various municipal parks and gardens of the municipal area of ​​Molina de Segura, Lot I, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in situation of long-term unemployment, for an amount of 42,794.34 euros, to the company Avance y Desarrollo de Obras, SL.
Approval of the modification of the Municipal Regulation of Electronic Administration.
Approval of the acceptance of assignment of land, one of 1,317.28 m2 and another of 277.14 euros, for the project of works of repairs actions in roads of different areas of the municipality of Molina de Segura, Lot I, incorporating conditions special execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in a situation of long-term unemployment, corresponding to the Participatory Budgets 2017.
Approval of the start of proceedings of a subsidiary execution file to carry out cleaning work on a plot of land located in Calle Pensionista (Barrio Centro).
Approval of the start of procedure of a file of subsidiary execution to carry out cleaning work on a site located in Polígono 13, Plots 60, 61 and 23 (Cañada Honda).
Approval of the award of the minor study service contract on the status of the sidewalks in the urban area of ​​Molina de Segura and proposals for conditioning, María Dolores Jiménez Martínez, amounting to 11,858 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract of the service Talks for students of the ESO for the promotion of Mental Health Children and Youth, to MEMPLEO, for an amount of 14,463.60 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract of the Socio-Educational Intervention service for the promotion of Mental Health, to Paloma López Hernández, amounting to 14,860 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract of the Technical Coordination service for the promotion of Mental Health, to AFEMO, for an amount of 12,839.98 euros.
Approval of the extension of the collaboration agreement of 2018 between the Murciano Health Service and the Molina de Segura City Council for the development of rehabilitation and socio-labor insertion of people with mental illness and / or drug dependence.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the supply of material for replacement and improvement of the lighting in the project for the adaptation of annexed areas and service to the El Romeral Municipal Pool, 3rd phase, executed by the PMEF El Romeral 1, at the Juan José Andreu Serrano company, for an amount of 6,552.19 euros.
Approval of the concession of the XV Setenil Award 2018 for the Best Story Book Published in Spain, to José Ramón Ovejero Lafarga, amounting to 10,000 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract of memory works valued for the material execution of the works of interior painting of ceilings and walls in the El Retén Building, to the company Construcciones Monser, SL, amounting to 5,082 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract of memory works valued for the material execution of the works of interior painting of roofs and walls in the Social Center of Los Valientes, to the company Construcciones Monser, SL, amounting to 5,206.61 euros .
Approval of the award of the minor contract of the Christmas service 2018, Pista de Hielo Plaza de España, from December 22 to January 4, 2019, to Ángel Marcos Romero, amounting to 12,584 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor technical assistance contract to carry out a study on the operation of the Local Police of Molina de Segura and the implementation of the Neighborhood Police in the locality, to the company Reflexión Consultores, SL, by amount of 7,647.20 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura