The City of Molina de Segura has granted subsidies for a total amount of 98,425.89 euros to five projects of international cooperation for development, under the agreement approved in the Local Government Board on Tuesday, December 11.
The subsidized projects have been presented at a press conference on Friday, December 14, by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, the Councilor for Development Cooperation and Solidarity, Pedro Jesús Martínez Baños, and the President of the NGO Coordinator for the Development - CONGD of the Region of Murcia, Moisés Navarro Sánchez.
The five NGDOs that have obtained the grant through a public call of the Molinense City Council have been:
ACTION WITHOUT BORDERS: subsidy of 22,392.04 euros, intended for a defense project for access to justice and economic empowerment of women in the central region of the State of Tlaxcala (Mexico).
UNITED HANDS: subsidy of 10,191.22 euros, destined to a project of access to drinking water in rural communities of the Kara Region, Togo, Phase VIII.
ENTREPUEBLOS: project of organizational and formative strengthening of the indigenous communities and social organizations of Chiapas, Mexico (II phase), with a subsidy of 30,395.01 euros.
VICENTE FERRER FOUNDATION: subsidy of 15,000 euros, for a project on the right to adequate housing and sanitation for families of impoverished rural populations in the state of Andhra Pradesh (India).
HELPS CHILDREN OF BOLIVIA - OIKIA: training project for local social leaders 2018, with a subsidy of 20,447.62 euros.
"In order to promote the solidarity and commitment of the population of Molina de Segura in the promotion of human development and the fight against poverty, seeking to make visible and strengthen this commitment of the municipality with the Development Cooperation, subsidies have been granted for Development Cooperation projects in the most disadvantaged countries ", explains Pedro Jesús Martínez.
The Molina de Segura City Council, following the commitment contained in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the main International Declarations on ODA, and within the framework of the sectoral and geographical strategies established in the Master Plan for Spanish Cooperation, as well as Like the recommendations of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), it contributes to reduce poverty and inequalities and to promote sustainable human development.
"The government team, as an expression of the solidarity of the Molinense population with the most disadvantaged people, supports a public policy of Development Cooperation, of which the most visible instrument is the subsidies that are granted for this purpose", points out the Mayor, Esther Clavero.
The development cooperation of the municipality of Molina de Segura is focused on the fulfillment of the basic rights of the population, mainly oriented towards basic services linked to the quality of life, such as health, education, etc.
"However, it is important to rethink how compliance with these human rights is achieved." Therefore, a rights-based approach and its corresponding assignment of roles among its rights, responsibilities and obligations holders should be taken into account. promote a participatory process of development, where both living conditions and power relations are transformed, and where people become protagonists of their development, as well as that of their communities, "concludes the Councilor for Development Cooperation and Solidarity.
To achieve a more efficient and effective action, the Molina de Segura City Council maintains an active relationship of coordination with the other actors in development cooperation, be they public administrations or social entities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura