The Department of Citizen Participation of the City of Molina de Segura reports that 1,079 young people from nine schools in the municipality (compared to 989 young people from seven centers in 2017) have participated in the voting process of the Youth Participatory Budget 2018, which has celebrated from Friday 7 to Thursday 13 December.
The in-person vote was developed from December 10 to 13, in nine schools of the municipality, for students from 1st to 4th year of ESO: IES Vega del Táder, Vicente Medina College, Vistarreal College, Sagrada Familia College, Los Olivos, IES Francisco de Goya, El Taller School, IES Cañada de las Eras, and IES Eduardo Linares Lumeras.
For its part, the online vote took place from December 7 to 13, at
The budget of this game is 35,000 euros, whose destination has been voted for by the young Molinians.
Prior to the voting phase, the process has gone through three previous phases: presentation assemblies at the IES (from October 1 to 19);
collection of proposals and registration to the GMJ (from October 22 to 26);
and Grupo Motor Joven (from October 30 to December 4), in 6 sessions.
Finally, a technical evaluation of the proposals was made between November 16 and 23.
The three most voted projects have been: Nighttime Holi Run with neon powder (25,000 euros);
cinema programming throughout the year (8,000 euros);
and party at night, with DJs, lights, etc., every two months, in winter and summer (35,000 euros).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura