The president of the PP highlights "the generosity of all political parties that put forward the sense of state to their own aspirations" and ensures that "the values that united us are those that we must transmit to future generations"
This afternoon, the Popular Party of Molina de Segura has organized an event at the Paseo Rosales to pay tribute to the Magna Carta, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.
For this, the Spanish Constitution has been read.
The president of the local PP, Jos ngel Alfonso, explained that "we wanted to remember a date worthy of remembrance, tribute and recognition.
Forty years ago, Spain gave an example of consensus, which today is a reference and model for other countries that move from an authoritarian regime to a democracy.
The Constitution is the only one that guarantees the rights and freedoms of all Spaniards. "
Jos ngel Alfonso highlighted the broad consensus among the political forces of the time for Spain to have a consolidated democratic regime today.
"If we can boast of being one of the most prosperous and settled democracies in our environment, it is because 40 years ago, we were able to put aside our ideological differences and put the sense of state before our political aspirations.
The enormous generosity of all the parties in order to reach an agreement, to defend the common good and overcome the confrontations of the past has allowed us to progress in all areas: economic, social development, equality and pluralism. "
"Without a doubt, the Spanish Transition and Constitution, which was approved by the Cortes Generales in 1978, with 88% of the vote backing, have marked one of the most fascinating stages of our contemporary history.
Those values that united us are today what we must transmit to future generations.
Spain is a great nation, plural, where equality of opportunities exists and is respected, "he assured.
Source: PP Molina de Segura