The Autonomous Community, through the Fire and Rescue Extinction Consortium (CEIS) of the Region of Murcia, has acquired five new fire trucks for the parks of Lorca (2), Molina de Segura, Caravaca de la Cruz and Los Alcázares, which involved an investment of 1.2 million euros, and whose objective is to "make available to the excellent professionals with which we have the best material means to make their work safer and more efficient", according to the Presidency advisor, Pedro Rivera, in the act of delivery of the first of the vehicles to the Molina de Segura park.
Rivera stressed that it is one of the most important parks, "for the population it serves and for the services it provides to complement those of other parks."
This fire station serves a population of more than 140,000 inhabitants, corresponding to the municipalities of Molina de Segura, Archena, Villanueva del Río Segura, Alguazas, Lorquí, Ceuta and Torres de Cotillas.
In addition, it supports the parks of Abanilla and Alcantarilla.
Last year he made 844 departures, which represents about 20 percent of the total interventions of the Consortium.
The vehicle delivered today is a truck of the so-called 'BUL' or 'Light Urban Pump', specially prepared and indicated for intervention in fires that occur in homes and industries, which are the most common in this area, and also to act in traffic accidents.
The truck has a tank with capacity for 2,000 liters and space for six firefighters equipped with all the necessary equipment for an intervention.
Source: CARM