The Councilors of European Projects and Youth of the Molinense City Council collaborate in the dissemination of the new round of presentation of DiscoverEU applications to travel through Europe aimed at young people who turn 18 in 2018.
DiscoverEU is an initiative of the European Union that offers the opportunity, to young people with 18 years and desire of adventures, to travel by train all over Europe.
A new deadline for the submission of candidatures is now open: from Thursday 29 November at 12.00 (Central European Time) to Tuesday 11 December at 12.00 (Central European Time).
In order for European citizens to have access to the entire continent, travel vouchers will also offer other means of transport, such as the bus or the ferry.
In exceptional cases, and when other means of transport do not exist, air travel will be authorized.
In this way, young people living in islands or remote areas can also participate.
Molina de Segura City Council encourages interested young people to present candidacies and take advantage of this opportunity to put freedom of movement into practice, to better understand Europe's diversity, to enjoy its cultural richness, to increase its contacts with new friends and to face experiences Novelty
Who can participate?
The conditions that must be met to participate are the following:
Be18 years old on December 31, 2018 (those born between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2000, both inclusive).
Have the nationality of one of the Member States of the European Union at the time of the award decision (scheduled for mid-January 2019);
Indicate the number of the valid passport document in the online application form.
Those who are selected, may travel if:
Begin the journey in a country that is a member of the European Union at the time of the award decision;
They plan to make a trip that lasts between a day and a month;
They travel between April 15, 2019 (first departure date) and October 31, 2019 (last return date);
They plan to travel less to a foreign country that is a member of the European Union at the time of the award decision;
Be willing to become DiscoverEU ambassadors.
Young people with special needs can also participate in DiscoverEU.
They will be given all the information and recommendations they need, and could cover the costs of special assistance (accompanying person, dog for candidates with visual impairment, etc.)
When and how to introduce yourself?
The nomination round will be open from Thursday 29 November at 12.00 (European Central Time) until Tuesday, 11 December at 12.00 (Central European Time).
The general rule is that each participant is entitled to a ticket worth 260 euros to travel in second class.
It is necessary to provide personal information and explain in detail how the trip will be prepared.
It will also be necessary to answer five test questions about European culture and diversity and about EU initiatives aimed at young people.
Finally, we must answer an auxiliary question that will allow the European Commission to classify the applications if there are too many.
To submit applications you must go to the DiscoverEU website and click on the PRESENT YOUR CANDIDATURE tab in the upper right corner.
Those who have traveled with DiscoverEU in the first round of 2018 will not be able to present their candidacy in this round.
Can you travel in a group?
When completing the application, four other people may be invited to join a group (the maximum is five people per group).
In this case, you must complete the application form, answer the questionnaire and answer the auxiliary question.
Then, when sending the application, a code will appear that will be communicated to the other members of the group.
This code will allow them to register in the European Youth Portal and complete their personal data.
All group members must be 18 years of age.
Keep in mind that it is possible to award a travel bonus to only one member, but not to the other members of the group.
This will happen if they do not complete their candidacy through the European Youth Portal within the deadline.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura