Los Claveles (Murcia), in co-production with the Teatro Villa de Molina, presents its puppet show HERMOSINDA, on Saturday, December 1, at 7:00 pm, at the Villa de Molina Theater (at Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
Ticket price is 4 euros.
It is time to grow and for that you have to eat well, but it is also very important to wash your hands, use the spoon, etc.
With your friends you play many things, because each one proposes different games, according to your preferences, which sometimes are not the same.
We are all different, but we also look alike, because the important thing about people is not their physical aspect, nor their tastes, nor their way of thinking, but the respect they show to others.
But you still have to grow up and you live it that way naturally;
It depends on the elderly that you do it with that free way of seeing life.
Hermosinda is a character who has no friends.
Her imagination takes her on incredible paths;
Create authentic friends with whom you can enjoy your games.
Today her invisible companions will accompany her.
Imagination will be your most powerful instrument.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura