Under the title "Do we put our health in the hands of the internet?"
the #ForoComSalud (Communication and Health), organized by the Hospital de Molina and the Official College of Journalists of the Region of Murcia, was inaugurated on Wednesday, November 20.
Health and communication professionals have analyzed the current situation and the needs and challenges facing the world of health communication, taking into account that, in Spain, according to data from the National Telecommunications Observatory, more than half of the population is informed about health on the Internet, and almost 40% trust the information they find through the network.
For Dr. Domingo Menchón Serna, doctor of the Internal Medicine Service of Hospital de Molina, "the doctor-patient relationship is in danger due to the patient-internet relationship, there are patients who discuss the diagnosis or treatment because they have read a certain opinion in a forum or in a social network, it is difficult for the patient to know how to value the reliability of what he reads on the Internet. "
In this sense, Dr. María José Campillo Cascales, psychologist specialist in Clinical Psychology of the Addictive Behaviors Unit of the Mental Health Center of Lorca and member of Clinical Psychology of the Official College of Psychologists of the Region of Murcia, explained that people Most suggestible are the most likely to suffer the pressure of the Internet: "The hypochondriacs first consult Google to find their symptoms and doctors become a second opinion."
Pilar Laguna, biomedical journalist of Diario Médico, has emphasized that currently health information has multiplied exponentially, as well as the agents that interact on the Internet, which generates great confusion.
"Journalists must be one more agent in the prevention of health and, for that, we must be rigorous, science is the only one that marks the way and information must be contrasted and supported by reliable sources. pseudotherapies and pseudosciences. "
Laguna has highlighted initiatives such as http://saludsinbulos.com to combat fake news.
For his part, Francisco Viudes Fernández, expert in strategy and content dynamization for online platforms and social networks and Project Manager at SM2 Software & Services, explained that 6 out of 10 Spaniards use the Internet to find out about their health: "Nutrition, Diseases and diagnoses, symptoms and remedies cover health searches on the Internet: 1% of the millions of searches on the web are about health-related issues and there are thousands of applications on the subject, but we must not forget that behind a positioning on the internet, there is a business model. "
All the speakers agreed on the need that the health professionals themselves, in close collaboration with journalists, "prescribe" to their patients those web pages and apps with truthful information about health.
The General Director of Public Health of the Region of Murcia, José Carlos Vicente, has been in charge of closing the first activity of #ForoComSalud, which is already preparing the next, and which is a reality thanks to the alliance established between the Hospital de Molina and the Association of the Press Association and the Official Association of Journalists of the Region of Murcia.
Source: Hospital de Molina