The program of acts of celebration of the XIII Anniversary of the Villa de Molina Theater, which takes place from November 16 to 24, continues with the Spanish-speaking poetic juglaresque rock concert JUAN PERRO TRIO, National Award for Current Music 2011, by the company La Huella Sonora (Madrid), on Saturday, November 17, at 9:00 p.m., at the Villa de Molina Theater (at Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The entrance price is 24 euros, advanced, and 30 euros, at the box office.
Santiago Auserón presents the seventh album by Juan Perro, El viaje.
Accompanied by his electric guitar, he presents this work in trio format, together with Gabriel Amargant (sax and clarinet) and Joan Vinyals (guitars).
In the new repertoire of Juan Perro, the Afro-American heritage is integrated more and more naturally with the Afro-Latin tradition (mainly Cuban) and the music of Iberia.
The verse in Spanish thus evolves in a renewed field of sounds with desire for the future.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura