The act of signing the collaboration agreement between the City of Molina de Segura and the Association Do not deprive you to carry out awareness-raising activities against LGTBIphobia and socio-educational activities on gender sexual affective diversity 2018 took place today, Monday, November 5 , in the molinense consistory.
The Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, the President of the Association Do not Prive You, Jesús Costa Gómez, and the First Deputy Mayor and Youth Councilor, Fernando Miñana Hurtado have attended.
The City of Molina de Segura, through the Department of Youth, aims to carry out socio-educational activities that affect the sexual affective diversity in young people.
Numerous studies have detected the defenselessness suffered by the LGTBI collective of youth in educational centers, which highlights the vulnerability of this group, with frequent cases of school bullying and highlights the need to work with values ​​that fight against LGTBIphobia. that does not normalize.
With the signing of this agreement, which provides for a municipal subsidy of 2,500 euros, it is intended to promote values, identifying diversity, rejecting discrimination and providing elements to identify and reject situations of marginalization, discrimination and injustice.
From the Youth Council of the City Council aims to establish educational activities with students in secondary schools in the municipality, working on the detection of homophobic attitudes to prevent negative situations and aggressions that may create.
The Association Do not deprive you will carry out these activities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura