Tonight, the President of the Popular Party of Molina de Segura, José Ángel Alfonso, invited the Board of Directors to the President of the Council of Transparency of the Region of Murcia, José Molina, to talk about an element that must be indispensable and indisputable in the Public Administration and in all political parties, transparency.
For the president of the Popular Party of Molina de Segura, transparency, access to public information and the rules of good governance must be the fundamental axes of all political action.
"Transparency is that element of democracy that allows us to have all public information at our disposal.
The citizen has the right to know everything that happens in the Administration and we have the obligation to put at your disposal all the necessary mechanisms to do so.
The Administration should not have any secrecy in the public. "
José Ángel Alfonso has claimed the active role of citizens in political life: "Citizens should not be satisfied with being mere spectators, since they must be and are the true protagonists, they should participate in the construction of the public";
and has argued that transparency should not only be implemented by the Administration, but also by all political parties: "Transparency is not a question of ideologies.
The political parties must give an account.
This is the best way to recover the confidence of society. "
Therefore for the president of the Popular Party the first thing is the people and these are going to be at the center of the Party's policies
Source: PP Molina de Segura