The Molina Hospital, My Personal Food and the Molina de Segura City Council, presented this morning, in the MUDEM square (Molina de Segura), the #ADosBandas event: a great theatrical show to be held on Saturday, October 20 at 5:00 p.m., at the MUDEM, in which registered dietician-nutritionists and paediatricians will participate with a single objective: to prevent excess weight in childhood.
"With this event, we intend to disseminate in a close, fun and easy to understand what is the current scenario in terms of food and what are the most healthy options for families Pediatricians and dieticians-nutritionists, both as health, We are involved in family feeding, because taking care of food is essential to prevent diseases from a young age, we are sowing our future, "explains Rebeca Pastor Valero, dietitian-nutritionist at the Molina Hospital My Personal Food.
In this sense, the Director-Manager of Molina Hospital, Pedro Hernández Jiménez, explained that "#ADosBandas is part of the Health Promotion and Dissemination Program that we develop annually from the Hospital Center within the framework of our Corporate Social Responsibility. -, with the aim of helping citizens to incorporate health in their day to day, in order to contribute to a health model focused on prevention and the promotion of healthy habits.We understand the promotion of health as an instrument essential and a basic strategy not only to respond to problems and health situations, but also to obtain a good quality of life for citizens. "
Along with Hernández Jiménez and Valero Pastor, the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, and the Councilor for Public Health of the Molinense Consistory, Esther Sánchez Rodríguez, were also present at the presentation ceremony.
Aimed at all families to spread the importance of improving nutrition and, therefore, improve the health of all, #ADosBandas will meet next Saturday at:
Dr. Carlos Casabona, n ° Col. 3775 Girona ( Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Zaragoza (1983), specialized via MIR in Pediatrics at the University Clinical Hospital of La Laguna (Tenerife).
Author of the book "You Choose what you eat" (Paidós, 2016).
Currently, pediatrician at the health center of Castell D'Aro (Girona).
Dr. Matilde Zornoza, No. Col. 30 / 07360-1 ( Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Murcia (2006), specialized via MIR in Pediatrics at the University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca (Murcia).
Currently, Pediatrician in the Medical Office of Los Garres (Murcia).
Natalia Moragues, No. Col. AND-00490 ( Degree in Pharmacy from the University of Seville, Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the CEU San Pablo University.
Master's degree in Clinical Nutrition in Pediatrics (CEU Cardenal Herrera University).
Dietitian-Nutritionist Alvida (Sevilla).
Rebeca Pastor, n ° Col. MU00043 ( Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) (2001).
Degree in Food Science and Technology from the University of Granada (2003).
Currently, dietitian-nutritionist at the Hospital de Molina (Murcia).
After the informative theatrical work, different family activities will be developed, such as musical storytelling, mural of emotions, yoga for children and giant bubbles.
Admission is free until full capacity is reached.
Source: Hospital de Molina