The Department of Equality of the City of Molina de Segura organizes, for the second year in a row, the EDUCANDO EN EQUALIDAD program, aimed at students in the 6th grade of Primary Education in the schools of the town.
Qualified personnel in the area of ​​Equality participated in its preparation, in compliance with the IV Equal Opportunities Plan (extended to this date) in which it is contemplated, in its Area 5, to educate for the elimination of beliefs, attitudes and sexist behaviors .
"This type of actions are necessary to continue advancing in equality, creating awareness from school age", explains the Councilor for Equality, Rocío Balsalobre Sánchez.
It consists of 2 sessions taught by a technique in equality:
The first session will consist in the visualization of different audiovisual fragments to analyze the possible stereotypes, encouraging criticism as a way of analyzing reality.
In the second session different magazines will be analyzed, with the purpose of creating a space for reflection based on values ​​of equality between women and men, respect for difference, cooperation and tolerance.
The program will be held from October to December in the school year 2018-2019, in the following centers: Ntra. Sra. De los Remedios, Campo de Molina, Cervantes, San Miguel, Vega del Segura, El Romeral, Sagrada Familia, Consolation, La Purísima, Our Lady of Fatima, Gregorio Miñano, Master Francisco Martínez Bernal, Sacred Heart, El Sifón, El Taller, Vicente Medina and Los Olivos.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura