The act of signing the collaboration agreement between the City of Molina de Segura and the Association of Relatives and Psychiatric Patients of Molina de Segura (AFESMO) for the development of a Project of Promotion and Social Insertion for people with mental health problems has had place today, Tuesday, October 9, at the headquarters of the association.
The Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, the President of AFESMO, Delia Topham Reguera, and the Councilor for Social Welfare, Ángel Navarro García, attended.
The latter stressed that the signing of this agreement reveals the "importance and awareness that the City of Molinense has to carry out actions in support of people with mental illness." A program of assistance for people with mental illness is set in motion. of social exclusion in coordination with the municipal social services, favoring the social insertion of collectives with greater difficulty to find a normalized job ".
The agreement contemplates a municipal subsidy of 77,000 euros for the year 2018. AFESMO is committed to the fulfillment of the following objectives:
To create a space for people with mental illness (PEM) of Molina de Segura to reach the maximum degree of autonomy to lead a normalized life within their own socio-community context.
Promote social recovery through access to social, health and work resources of people with mental health problems in situations of social exclusion or high vulnerability from municipal social services.
The recipients are people between 18 to 65 years old, who suffer from a mental illness and who present these two profiles:
Those who have not recognized a degree of dependence.
They are people who enjoy a certain degree of autonomy, and therefore do not recognize any degree of dependence, but need support in their process of psychosocial rehabilitation to develop a normal life.
Those who have Grade I dependency.
Likewise, AFESMO is committed to carry out the following actions:
Reserve a place in your Day Center for people with mental health problems derived from municipal social services, free of charge, which includes transportation and dining service.
Referrals by municipal technicians of people with mental health problems to programs of the entity such as CLUB JOVEN, SOCIAL CLUB, having to pay fees of lower economic cost according to income of the family unit.
Family intervention activities, attending to any type of psychological, health and social demand.
Actions with people of high vulnerability and / or social who are in the process of social recovery which entails:
Continuity of two people hired as administrative assistant and another cleaning: 15 hours / week.
5 scholarships in pre-employment workshops, at € 5 per day.
Supervision and support of a Social Worker for coordination, monitoring, tutoring and training of the program: 12 hours / week
The AFESMO Day Center is located on Calle Gregorio Miñano, n ° 52, in Molina de Segura.
The entity has: psychologist, social educator, social worker, social integrator, caregiver-monitor, administrative and cleaning, as well as volunteer staff.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura