The City of Molina de Segura, through the Department of Citizen Participation, and the Federation of Neighborhood Associations Interbarrios, organize a Conference on Evaluation of Participatory Budgets 2018, developed through the Statute of Citizen Participation of Molina de Segura, which will take place on Saturday, October 6, from 08.30 to 14.00, at the Las Balsas Center (on Cartagena Street, next to Plaza de los Grifos).
The day was presented at a press conference today, Wednesday, October 3, by the Councilor for Citizen Participation, Pedro Jesús Martínez Baños, and the Vice President of Interbarrios, Aurelia Fernández Fernández.
Registrations can be made until Thursday, October 4 at the Interbarrios Federation (at Calle Profesor Joaquín Abellán, n ° 2, ground floor, telephone 968 64 14 40, and email or at the Department of Citizen Participation (in Molina de Segura Town Hall, Plaza de España, and email
Also at
After four years of experience, of which three of direct citizenship voting, Participatory Budgeting in Molina de Segura have become an important exponent of citizen participation in the municipality, "and, however, are not exempt from opinions different, and, sometimes, opposed in terms of their formation, "explains Pedro Jesus Martinez, who adds that" with this day is to reflect and deliberate in small and large group, from different perspectives, with an open mind to grant the value that a global and joint vision of the process and the results of the Participatory Budget deserve ".
Finally, the Councilor has made "an appeal to the citizenship to participate, putting in value the Participatory Budget that has been won, through which citizens are empowered, deciding the fate of a part of the budget, directly; proposing actions and investments, prioritizing them and deciding with their vote those that have to be carried out, do not leave this task alone in the hands of others, the citizen movement needs the participation of everyone ".
The full program of the day is as follows:
08.30 09.00 h .: reception, identification and delivery of documents.
09.00 09.30 h .: greeting of welcome.
The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, the Councilor for Citizen Participation, Pedro Jesús Martínez Baños, and the President of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations, Sandra Díez Calderero.
09.30 10.00 am: presentation of the evaluation report of the process.
Presentation of the technical report of internal evaluation of the process prepared by the COGLOBAL technical team.
Closed time for questions and clarifications on the report.
10.00 10.30 h .: report of the evaluation by territorial zones.
Explanation of the evaluation methodology.
Exposition of conclusions by territorial zones.
10.30 11.00 h .: rest.
11.00 11.30 h .: time for the individual analysis.
Explanation of the work to be done.
20 minutes for individual work on the document Analysis and improvement of the participatory budgeting process of 2018. Proposals for improvement for the Participatory Budgets of 2019.
11.30 13.00 h .: exhibition in plenary.
Reflections and debates by the participants.
Closed shift of interventions.
13.00 13:30 h .: reading of final conclusions of improvement proposals for the participatory budgeting process of 2019 and election of members for the Drafting Group of the Manual and Self-regulation for them.
13.30 14.00 h .: informal exchange of impressions and end of the day.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura