The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, has held a meeting with the President of the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura, Mario Urrea Mallabrera, today, Thursday, September 13, at the CHS headquarters, to address the pending issues of resolution in the town.
The first of the pending issues of solution is the urgent cleaning of the dirt in ramblas and Segura River, since the proliferation of canes is a danger in case of torrential rains.
Another issue that the Mayor has proposed to the President of the CHS is the immediate start of environmental recovery works of the Segura River in the section between El Soto de la Hijuela and El Soto de los Alamos, in Molina de Segura, about four kilometers in length, where the reeds currently proliferate, an invasive species that is degrading the river banks in a remarkable way.
The project was presented last April and the beginning of the works for the month of June was announced, and, "to date, the necessary recovery work for this stretch of the River has not yet started," says Esther Clavero .
And, finally, the Mayor and the President of the CHS have also spoken about the project of Defense Works on the Ramblas of Molina de Segura, within the Plan Against Extraordinary Avenues.
Currently, the main problem that Molina de Segura has is the passage of the Rambla del Chorrico through the urban area.
The studies of solutions are included in the corresponding Project, written by the Ministry, for an amount of € 10,870,859.63 (the drafting procedures of the project began in 2003).
"Despite having all the documentation, the Cost Benefit Analysis Report is being drafted for the prioritization of the Projects, the main problem we have is the expiration of the Environmental Impact Statement, which will lose its validity if the The project has not started before December 12, 2019. It is very important for the municipality that this project, for which we have been fighting for more than 15 years, go ahead, so we will hold a new meeting with the Ministry, which also The President of the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura will attend, to ensure that the General State Budgets of 2019 will include a first batch of this project ", explains Esther Clavero.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura