The School Course 2018/2019 for all the students of Early Childhood and Primary Education of Molina de Segura has started normally on Friday, September 7, with a total of approximately 8,700 students.
As a novelty, this course has opened two new lines in CEIP Tierno Galván (1st of Primary) and El Romeral (4th of Primary), as reported by the Councilor for Education, Fuensanta Martínez Jiménez, who has attended the beginning of the course at the Colegio de Educación Infantil of Paseo Rosales.
During this summer there have been different adaptation works in some schools in the municipality, with a total investment of 31,000 euros.
Among others, they are the following:
Paving the courtyard of CEIP Tierno Galván.
Waterproofing of the roof of the library of CEIP Ntra. Sra. De la Consolación.
Waterproofing of the hall of CEIP Ntra. Sra. De Fátima.
Roof waterproofing of the sports pavilion of CEIP Campo de Molina.
Painting of the CEIP Ntra. Sra. De la Consolación.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura