In its commitment to its Stakeholders, the Hospital de Molina has presented its Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR), corresponding to the year 2017, which it has drawn up following the GRI Standards.
Addressing the four strategic areas of the Good Governance, Economic, Environmental and Social organization, the Hospital de Molina reports information related to the integral management of the organization, determined by its own SMEX Management System (Molina System of Excellence) and its Mission-Vision-Values, where the search for excellence stands out;
the promotion and dissemination of health;
effective equality, labor integration and care for people with disabilities;
and respect for the environment.
In the words of the Director-Manager of the Hospital Center, Pedro Hernández Jiménez, 2017 has been a year of great bets: "We have started an important investment plan with the expansion of facilities and new Services new operating rooms and Advanced Resuscitation Unit - and digitalization of the Diagnostic Imaging Service, thus continuing with our commitment to the application of ICTs to health We continue working on the certification process, which we already obtained in 2009 with the Seal 400+, in the EFQM Excellence and Quality Model. Thanks to the great involvement of our human team, we have increased both public, private and concerted health care activities with insurance companies - with a special focus on those carried out by elite athletes, as well as the training activities of students from different health branches, through practices in our facilities and our teaching and research line of the Chair of Invest
Hospital de Molina of the UCAM;
and the reduction of the environmental impact produced by our daily activity ".
The CSR Report of the Hospital de Molina collects the material issues identified by the organization and its stakeholders, the impacts related to these issues and the management of the same issues.
In 2017, the main material issues of the Hospital Center were the health and safety of patients, the privacy of patients, marketing communications and the anti-corruption policy.
In the environmental field, the Report includes, among other actions:
The establishment of agreements with internal collaborators of the Hospital to improve waste management in their facilities.
The maintenance of the collaboration with Traperos de Emmaus for the provision of collection service and the correct management of some of the waste discarded by the Hospital.
The replacement of disposable waste containers with reusable waste, allowing, through its authorized manager, to measure the carbon footprint in this specific aspect, thus contributing to reduce CO2 emissions.
The installation of more efficient machinery from the energy point of view in the new hospital services, both projected and commissioned.
The complete replacement of LED luminaires in the common areas of the Hospital of greatest use by its users.
The maintenance of preventive control of legionella by reducing the opening of hot water faucets from 5 minutes to 1 minute.
In the social field, the Hospital de Molina:
actively promotes the labor integration of the disability, through the incorporation in staff and the hiring of companies made up of people with disabilities.
promotes health through informative talks to social groups, activities and courses of the Foundation for Medical Studies (FEM) and the International University of the Sea, Molina de Segura Health Week, Hospital Week, the Health Program 5-10 , etc.
is part of the Network of Tobacco Free Hospitals of the Region of Murcia, integrated into the European Network of Hospitals without Smoke
encourages sports practice as a healthy habit, collaborating with sports clubs, associations, Molina de Segura City Council, social organizations, etc.
promotes culture: as a Socio-Protector of the Press Association Foundation, collaboration with the Young Interpreters Competition "Villa de Molina", etc.
Collaborates with the NGO Cirugía Solidaria, FADE Foundation, FEDER, Cáritas, Cruz Roja, ASTRADE, AECC, AFESMO, ACNUR, Aldeas Infantiles, Josep Carreras Foundation, etc.
He develops research and teaching: through his Chair of Research Hospital de Molina of UCAM, as headquarters in the Region of Murcia of the International School of Osteopathy of Madrid, participating in scientific forums, etc.
The IV CSR Report of the Hospital de Molina is available for consultation on the website of the hospital center:
Source: Hospital de Molina