The Local Government Board of the City of Molina de Segura has approved, today Tuesday August 21 in ordinary session, various files among which highlights a loan operation to ten years, for an amount of 1,975,500 euros, to finance investments contemplated in the general budget of 2018.
A loan operation for investment financing of the general budget of 2018 has been approved. Amount 1,975,500 euros
Approval of the Safety and Health Plan for the construction of sports changing rooms on the Altorreal football field.
Start of the file for a special administrative contract for the provision of the bar-canteen service located in the municipal sports facilities of the Altorreal Sports Center.
Valuation criteria of an environmental nature will be taken into account, consisting of the use of products from organic farming.
Approval of two dossiers, which together represent an expenditure of 40,000 euros, related to the hiring of artists and shows for the 2018 Patron Saint Festival.
Adjudication to the company Esatur XXI, SL, for an amount of 60,713.32 euros, for the guide-information service and activities and promotion of the Enclave Museum of the Molina de Segura Wall (MUDEM).
The contract contemplates special execution conditions of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation.
Start of the file for the hiring of the corporate email service in the "cloud" of the Molina de Segura Town Hall.
This file has consigned an expense of 54,450 euros.
The tender will be processed by an open procedure, with only one award criteria and with a contracting table
Adjudication to Servicios Auxiliares Viriato SL, for an amount of 17,381.65 euros from the private security service for the Patron Saint Festivities 2018.
Adjudication to Correduría Bonu Aldaya, for an amount of 5,277.55 Euros insurance for cancellation due to meteorological reasons and failure to attend the events included in the Patron Saint Festivities 2018.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura