The act of signing the agreement between the Molina de Segura City Council and the Disabled Association of Molina de Segura and Vega Media (DISMO) for the Integral Development Plan for people with disabilities took place today, Monday, July 30, in the consistory molinense.
The Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, the President of DISMO, Salvador García Fernández, and the Councilor for Social Welfare, Ángel Navarro García, attended.
The City of Molina de Segura and DISMO sign this collaboration agreement to develop the Integral Development Plan, with a municipal subsidy for a total amount of 27,000 euros, which means an increase in funding to the entity (5,000 euros) with respect to the year 2017
The main objectives pursued with the signing of this agreement are: offer information and specialized guidance to the group of people with disabilities;
meet demands and needs of the group;
and favor the social integration of people with disabilities.
The persons with disabilities of the municipality and their families can benefit from the Plan.
There is a forecast to serve 40 people with disabilities and their families.
The age of the children served is from 6 to 18 years old, with a disability assessment by the Counseling and Educational Counseling Team of the Ministry.
The following actions are established within the Comprehensive Development Plan for Persons with Disabilities:
Information and guidance on social and specific resources of the group.
Occupational Therapy Workshops.
Volunteer recruitment.
School mentalization.
School awareness actions.
Talks in schools of the municipality.
Accessibility program to the physical environment.
Cultural participation of leisure and free time.
Social intervention program for minors with disabilities.
Personalized therapeutic treatment
Speech therapist.
Psychopedagogical and social skills.
The DISMO Association is located in the Municipal Center of La Molineta, at Avenida de París, n ° 1, in Molina de Segura.
It develops its activities from 09.00 to 20.00 hours and, among its services, it has a day center, early care, etc.
The entity has, to provide all services and programs, of: 1 Social Worker, 2 workshop monitors, 1 Speech Pathologist, 1 driver and 1 Educational Psychologist.
DISMO was created in 1981 as an initiative to respond to the problems presented by the group of people with disabilities in Molina de Segura, which require services and benefits that respond in different areas, such as health, school, accessibility, communication , education, leisure and free time, etc.
"We must support from the local administration the actions developed by DISMO, which respond to the specific needs of the group of people with disabilities, and improve the quality of life in all its aspects to encourage and improve the autonomy of this social group of the municipality "says the Mayor.
Finally, the agreement introduces as a novelty the commitment of the entity to take into account the Bolsa de Insertion Sociolaboral of the Molinense City Council, designed to favor the integration into the labor market of people in situation of unemployment in the municipality.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura